Page 15 - Masino-group-general-brochure
P. 15


‘Masino encourages people to get      ‘I’m excited to be able to influence    ‘These guys are truly proficient;  ‘Masino has adopted a long-term
training and update their expertise.  the working process through my          you can ask those who have been    approach and doesn’t make
Pretty soon after starting work at    efforts and to organise the facilities  here for longer to give you tips   rash decisions. The company
reception, I was asked whether        for the production team to              for work. You can always suggest   also invests in its employees, by
I would be interested in accounting.  do their job.’                          development targets as well. Any   arranging fun events, for example.’
So, I ended up getting my Vocational                                          issues are addressed and our way
Qualification in Business and                                                 of doing things is continuously
Administration alongside work.’                                               improved.’

HANNE TUOMAINEN                       ARI-PEKKA ALHOLEHTO                     JON SUNDSTRÖM                      JUKKA TAIPALUS
Accountant, Vantaa                    Foreman, Ylöjärvi                       Supervisor, Vantaa                 Sales Engineer, Vantaa
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