Page 3 - Vimse_catalogue_2022
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The story
ImseVimse’s story started 30 years ago when founder range of reusable textile products to help us minimize the
and owner Marie Walleberg, in a desperate search for a environmental impacts of our daily life. Today you will
cure for her daughter’s diaper rash, found the soothing find many more products in ImseVimse’s product range.
magic of cloth diapering. And just like that, her daugh- Honest and ethical, the soul of the company remains
ter’s painful rash disappeared. Marie then realized she the same; to create good products that matter and to
had a new problem. At the time, cloth diapers were dif- make a difference in the world. You’re not only buying a
ficult to find. Wanting to responsibly give her daughter product, you are helping us save the planet one
the best care possible, Marie founded a reusable diaper at a time.
diaper company that would fill that void and meet the
need of her own and others looking for a healthy and Thank you for being a part of the history of ImseVimse.
environmentally friendly care for their babies. As
ImseVimse’s founder, Marie spent the next three Love,
decades perfecting and constantly expanding the Vimse Team