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Restaurant Rosso Restaurant Wu Kong
Rosso is an Italian restaurant with antipasti, tasty Delicious Asian food, including a large variety
pizzas, modern pasta classics, lovely wines and of different sushis and warm wok options. The
delicious desserts. It also serves lunch on weekdays. restaurant is located in the historical library building
The restaurant is passionate about spending joyful in Kajaani. Come in and enjoy the comfortable
time together while enjoying good food. atmosphere!
Location: Kajaani city center, Kauppakatu 30 Location: Kajaani city center, Brahenkatu 3
Contact: Contact:
+358 10 763 7000 +358 50 362 5638
Restaurant Ranch Wanha Kerho
Good food and drinks and relaxed but proficient Delicious lunch and à la carte dishes, bakery and
service. Ranch serves Finnish flavors that come catering under the same roof. Enjoy simple home
in big and high-quality portions, made with fresh cooking at Wanha Kerho in the milieu of a museum
ingredients. Tasty lunch and versatile á la carte menu building that is over 100 years old.
with dishes for the whole family.
Location: Kajaani city center, Kauppakatu 40
Location: Kajaani city center, Kauppakatu 26 Contact:
Contact:, +358 8 636 696 +358 50 366 8511
Restaurant Sulo Wine Bar Térapija
Restaurant Sulo food and wine attracts you to enjoy Cozy wine bar Térapija offers high-quality wines, tasty
delicacies from a charcoal oven. Whether you come tapas and cocktails with a twist made with fresh
to dinner with your family, for a cup of coffee while herbs, fruit, freshly squeezed juices and syrups made
shopping or for drinks when you are starting your at the restaurant. Pop in for a glass of wine and enjoy
night out, you can find it all under one roof in Sulo. the relaxed atmosphere.
Location: Kajaani city center, Location: Kajaani city center, Kauppakatu 15
Contact: next to Original Sokos Hotel Valjus Contact: +358 50 543 8236
+358 10 763 7051