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Product News
Fast scanning with
Planmeca FIT™
– also in colour
The Planmeca FIT™ system
for chairside CAD/CAM
dentistry provides clinics with
a completely digital workflow
from start to finish. It
seamlessly integrates intraoral
scanning, 3D designing and on-
site milling into one software
platform, allowing dental
clinics to produce restorations
in a single visit.
The Planmeca FIT™ system is increase case acceptance as they are a completely streamlined and integrated
all about integrated efficiency. easier for patients to understand. approach to high-quality dental care.
Comprised of the Planmeca It helps clinics utilise their resources to
PlanScan® scanner, the Planmeca Taking full advantage of equipment the fullest and treat more patients in a
PlanCAD® Easy software and the with software shorter period of time. Instead of two
Planmeca PlanMill® 40 S milling unit, the All steps of the Planmeca FIT workflow appointments, patients can be treated in
system enables dental clinics to create are easily controlled and accessed one visit – without temporary crowns or
high-quality restorations that fit perfectly. through the Planmeca Romexis® physical dental models. ▰
Clinics can either choose to perform the software platform. All treatment
entire CAD/CAM workflow in-house with data is immediately available on all
the system or flexibly outsource parts of workstations, and the software’s flexible
it. licensing model allows scanning,
designing and milling to take place
Speed, accuracy, and colour simultaneously. This ensures ultimate
The Planmeca FIT system has made efficiency in all treatment phases.
significant strides in scanning speed since
it was introduced, as intraoral scans have For dental work performed at a
constantly become faster to perform. The clinic, the Planmeca Romexis® Clinic
system also offers a vivid colour scanning Management module provides remote
capability which provides several benefits. real-time information on the Planmeca
Colour scans enhance diagnostics as they PlanMill 40 S milling unit’s status,
make it easier to differentiate between enabling clinics to locate resources and
soft and hard tissues. Colour scans also monitor ongoing milling processes.
improve treatment communication and
Planmeca FIT has been built around a
single software platform, which makes it