Page 27 - PlanWorld_1_2014_high
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to the next level
Interview with
Dental Tribune
by Daniel Zimmermann, DTI
Tuomas Lokki, Vice President How will this improve the daily CAM business and Planmeca benefits from 27
at Planmeca Group and acting workflow at clinics? E4D’s cutting-edge solutions and long-term
CEO for E4D Technologies, shed CAD/CAM expertise. On the other hand,
light on the new venture in an One great advantage is the integration of Planmeca’s extensive distribution network
exclusive interview by the leading X-ray imaging and CAD/CAM into a single enables E4D Technologies to grow globally
global dental newspaper, Dental software platform, Planmeca Romexis®. and our leading dental imaging solutions
Tribune International. For the first time, customers will have the will be a valuable addition to the E4D CAD/
option of one software interface for both CAM platform.
Mr Lokki, why did Planmeca choose X-ray imaging and CAD/CAM work.
to invest in E4D Technologies? All patient data is also saved in the same Has this venture created any new
database, and it can be shared immediately needs for your company?
We believe in the tremendous possibilities and easily through the clinic’s network or
and future growth of CAD/CAM dentistry. with the Planmeca Romexis® Cloud Definitely, as we need to provide extensive
As dentistry will be completely digital in the service. Furthermore, the restorations CAD/CAM training for our distribution and
future, we believe it is vital to invest in the designed in the CAD module can easily customer network in over 120 countries.
development of new and efficient practices. be combined with the patient’s 3D X-ray Therefore, we have recently invested in new
E4D is a long-term leader in advancing images for implant planning purposes, training, warehouse and production facilities
modern CAD/CAM dentistry, so we knew for example. For the patients, this means alongside our Helsinki headquarters. These
that joining forces with this high-tech convenient same-day dentistry. new 10,000 sq. m. facilities will help us
medical device company would be a valuable address the growing need for training and
addition to our own leading expertise in 3D Can you also tell us about the brand education in this new field of dentistry.
imaging and software solutions. Their special new intraoral scanner that you
expertise and innovative ideas provide a launched recently? We are thrilled to be able to take CAD/
great foundation for future projects that will CAM to the next level. Our innovations will
combine the know-how of both companies. Our new Planwmeca PlanScan® intra-oral change the concept of same-day dentistry
scanner is an ultra-fast, powder-free and completely and facilitate the workflow of
What advantages will this open solution for 3D digital impressions. Its dental professionals worldwide.
investment offer dental customers advanced blue laser technology accurately
worldwide? captures hard and soft tissue of various
translucencies, dental restorations, models
The new partnership with E4D Technologies and impressions. It is the world’s first dental
will enable us to offer our customers the unit-integrated intraoral scanner and can
most modern CAD/CAM innovations. be used through a laptop as a standalone
Our product distribution in over 120 version. Together with our Planmeca
countries combined with the cutting-edge Romexis software, the system supports an
E4D innovations will increase global ideal digital treatment workflow.
product availability and take computer-aided
dentistry to the next level. Our customers will How will both Planmeca and E4D
also benefit from the innovative combination benefit from this investment?
and seamless integration of Planmeca’s and
E4D’s products and services. On the one hand, this investment strengthens
Planmeca’s position in the fast-growing CAD/