Page 7 - PlanWorld_1_2015_EN_high_0215
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The revolutionary Planmeca                    with fewer clicks. The software now        services that communicate with each other
        Romexis® software platform offers     dedicates more room for patient images,    smoothly. Planmeca Romexis has always
        a multitude of tools and features to  while its redesigned toolbars enhance      been integral to this process, as it is essen-
meet the demands of different specialists.    usability.                                 tially the brains behind all our products,”
Version 4 of the software redefines the                                                  remarks Ms. Helianna Puhlin-Nurminen,
all-in-one experience, further improving          In addition, the Planmeca Romexis®     Vice President, Digital Imaging and
user-friendliness and presenting a wide       3D Implant Planning module has been        Applications division at Planmeca. “The new
selection of enhanced modules. Optimised      upgraded with several awaited tools,       software version is a great step forward
for Full HD screens, the fresh new look and   including implant alignment, safety areas  in providing users with an even smoother
design of the software corresponds with       with alerts, as well as a custom abutment  workflow. With Planmeca Romexis 4.0, the
the fluid usability that has come to define   designer. Version 4 also adds many         future of digital dentistry has arrived.”
Planmeca products.                            essential functional enhancements, most
                                              importantly its 3D object browser – a          Planmeca is a forerunner in developing
First-class usability                         feature that allows easy management        a complete range of solutions for dental
Planmeca Romexis 4.0 delivers a user          of annotations and implant simulation      professionals. The Planmeca Romexis
experience that is second to none. Its        elements.                                  software platform is at the heart of this
innovative dashboard interface utilises a                                                endeavour – supporting the most versatile
flexible tile-based layout, helping users     A true all-in-one experience               range of 2D and 3D imaging modalities
streamline their workflow and do more         “We have strived to build a complete       and integrating the entire chairside
                                              ecosystem of devices, software and         CAD/CAM workflow from intraoral
                                                                                         scanning to prosthetic designing and
                                                                                         milling in one software. The Planmeca
                                                                                         Romexis® Clinic Management module
                                                                                         further provides extensive connectivity and
                                                                                         real-time information of Planmeca dental
                                                                                         units, X-ray devices and milling units. ▰

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