Page 19 - PlanWorld_2019_EN
P. 19

Without CALM             With CALM

                                          Planmeca’s Product Development Manager Mikko Lilja

          structure. To achieve a great image, then, a CBCT imaging unit    addresses this problem by taking the unwanted movement into
          that consistently performs to a high standard is one half of    consideration. “Basically, we are virtually tracking the motion of
          the equation. The other half, however, has to do with what –    the patient,” explains Lilja, who is also the brains behind
          up until now – has been the Achilles’ heel of all types of dental   the revolutionary algorithm.
          imaging: artefacts and noise.                       “The algorithm ‘makes’ the C-arm of the CBCT scanner virtually
            “When you’re imaging patients, there are all kinds of artefacts   follow the motion trajectory of the patient during acquisition.
          you have to deal with,” says Mikko Lilja. “There might be metal in   This makes the patient stay still in the imaging geometry, which
          the patient’s mouth, the patient might be moving, or you might   then translates to a motion-free image.” Indeed, the software has
          want to use a low dose protocol, which can add noise. So these   been optimised to handle even the most challenging cases in
          are like an additional layer that you have to tackle to get that    which offset imaging geometry has been used.
          nice image.”
            Noise and metal artefact removal has long been a standard   Image is everything
          feature of Planmeca imaging units. Two years ago, Planmeca   In dentistry, image is everything. Before a single incision is made,
          was also the first dental manufacturer to introduce an end-user   an X-ray is always acquired to gauge the area of interest, make a
          solution which detects and compensates for artefacts caused by   diagnosis and decide what is the appropriate course of action. In
          patient movement – Planmeca CALM™.                order to get the best possible image to answer these purposes,
                                                            you need an imaging unit which can consistently deliver the
          Motion-free image through virtual tracking        three Cs: contrast, crispness and artefact correction.
          Patient movement is one of the most significant challenges to   There is, however, a fourth C which could also be added to
          image quality, and especially livelier patients such as children can   the list. Specifically, the third dimension that comes with CBCT
          have a hard time calming their movements for the scan. At worst,   can reveal hidden pathology in the mouth and provide new
          the resulting image may be diagnostically unusable, necessitating   insights into the present condition, improving your treatment
          a retake and additional exposure to radiation.    planning – and your confidence in it. Essentially, it’s about
            Normally, if a patient moves during the scan, the image   getting everything you can out of one scan and one exposure.
          reconstruction cannot account for it as no information on it   And with all four Cs in place, that great diagnostic image can be
          is included in the reconstruction process. Planmeca CALM   the one you take.◢

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