Page 25 - Planmeca_Group
P. 25
Global collaboration Responsible employer
We develop dental and medical solutions together with As contributing to health care is at the core of our business,
the top universities in our field. We are a trusted partner we also want to invest in the physical and mental wellbeing
wherever we operate, collaborating with a comprehensive of our employees. We have received several employer awards,
network of distribution companies around the world. We also for example an award for exemplary promotion of employee
contribute to the global dental and medical community by wellbeing. Each year, we provide hundreds of summer jobs and
bringing professionals together in our numerous events and by career opportunities for young people.
providing training for private practitioners and universities.
Corporate social responsibility
Uncompromising quality
Our financial stability makes us a reliable partner and guarantees
Our approach is global yet local: we are a family-owned a long-term focus for our business. We contribute to the
company and most of our operations take place in house on our surrounding societies financially: we are a notable corporate
two campuses. This makes us flexible and enables us to better tax payer in Finland and in Germany, and we employ over 4,400
control our production processes by following rigorous quality people worldwide.
and sustainability standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and
ISO 13485.