Page 7 - Myyrmaen-kirkon-esite-nettiin
P. 7

Three churches had been built in            Kristiina Nyrhinen ja Juha Leiviskä
Western Vantaa in the 1960s: in             Myyrmäen kirkossa 1984
Kaivoksela, Kivistö and Hämeenkylä.
When a church was planned for the           With eight days to go until the end
growing Myyrmäki-Louhela area in the        of the competition, I made a design
1970s, one option for the site was in the   in a week. The area within which the
current centre of Myyrmäki. At that         building had to stay had been mar-
time, it was still a thinly-developed area  ked across the site. It was so impos-
and the location was seen as too out of     sible that I just ignored it and placed
the way. The church ended up next to        everything in a completely different
the Louhela railway station. Myyrmäki       way. It was important to me to retain
has since grown into the main centre of     the park. I built a ‘protective wall’ in
Western Vantaa.                             the direction of the railway tracks,
                                            with all the facilities leaning on it.
The site allocated to Myyrmäki Church       This created an elongated,
was demanding due to it being long          meandering chain.
and narrow, with a high railway emban-
kment to the west and Louhelantie road      - Architect Juha Leiviskä
to the east. A design competition was
held for the church.
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