Page 23 - PyhanLaurinKirkko_esiteA5_2024_web
P. 23
Malmström. The painting was TIESITKÖ?
donated to the church in 1853 by
the owner of Herttoniemi Manor, Laurentius oli 200-luvulla elä-
Johan Abraham Stjernschantz, nyt roomalainen diakoni, jonka
and his wife, Hedvig Charlotta mukaan Pyhän Laurin kirkkokin
Cronstedt. on nimetty. Köyhiä arvostanut roh-
kea Laurentius koki marttyyrikuo-
The two Baroque chandeliers leman kärventymällä halster issa.
were also received as donations. Häntä pidetään muun muassa
The oldest of them dates from the palomiesten, leipurien, kirjaston
mid-17th century. It was donated ja mehiläisenhoitajien suojelus
by the owner of Westerkulla Manor, pyhimyksenä.
Major Heinrich Johan Wunsch.
The other chandelier was donat-
ed in 1744 by the owner of Puotila Laurentius, som har gett kyrkan
Cavalry Estate, Alderman Georg dess namn, var en romersk dia-
Wilhelm Clayhills, and his wife, kon som levde under 200-t alet.
Anna Margaretha Hochschildt. Den frimodige Laurentius, som
respekterade fattiga, led mar-
tyrdöden genom att brännas
på halster. Han betraktas som
skyddshelgon bland annat för
brandmän, bagare, bibliotekarier
och biodlare.
St. Lawrence was a
Roman deacon who
lived in the 3rd century.
The Church of St. Law-
rence is named after
him. St. Lawrence is
known for his martyr-
dom and empathy for
the poor. According to
tradition, he was burnt
alive on a gridiron.
St. Lawrence is the pa-
tron saint of firefighters,
bakers, librarians and