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Education                                                                  13 comprehensive schools

                18 daycares                                                In Kajaani, basic education offers special classes
                                                                           in mathematics, music, physical education, and
                            In Kajaani, early childhood education          English.
                            focuses on inclusion, positive pedagogy and
                            emotional and social interaction skills.       Kainuu Vocational
                                                                           College (KAO)
                Kajaani General Upper
                Secondary School                                           KAO has operated in Kajaani for more than 60
                                                                           years. It offers more than 100 different training
                            The largest general upper secondary school in  programmes.
                            Kainuu and one of the largest general upper
                            secondary schools in Northern Finland.         Kajaani Sports Campus

                Kajaani University of                                      The Campus offers goal-oriented training for young
                Applied Sciences (KAMK)                                    people in comprehensive school, upper secondary
                                                                           and higher education as well as national military
                            KAMK is appreciated education provider         service.
                            and offers more than 20 different degree

In 2021, the Early Childhood Education Teachers Union of Finland
awarded Kajaani recognition as the “early childhood education
municipality of the year”.
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