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A city of many opportunities

Kajaani plays a significant role as a centre       city centre and Paltaniemi church – are visited
of success and excellence in Kainuu. Several       by both national and international travellers.
technology and industry companies operate          Kajaani City Theatre, museums, Kaukametsä
in the region, such as the world’s third fastest   Congress and Cultural Centre and several
supercomputer, one of the leading European         freelance professionals provide high quality
rolling stock manufacturers and one of the         culture.
world’s largest battery chemical plants.
In addition, there are several other operators in  The City of Kajaani supports and develops
the area, for example in the fields of game and    attraction, retention, and competition factors.
measurement technology.                            It has invested in the quality of urban life,
                                                   residential satisfaction and creating better
Kajaani is also an attractive centre of culture    conditions for businesses. Kajaani is a vital city
and tourism. It offers unique events, including    that offers work and education opportunities
the Kajaani Poetry Week, various festivals and     for experts of various fields.
family events. The historical landscapes and
attractions – the beautiful Ärjänsaari island in
Lake Oulujärvi, the Kajaani Castle ruins in the

Growing and developing fields:

y	 High-performance computing
y	 	Measurement technology
y	 G	 ame industry
y	 B	 iorefinery
y	 M	 etal industry
y	 	Experience sector

                                                        LUMI, the fastest supercomputer
                                                            in Europe and the third fastest
                                                           supercomputer in the world, is

                                                   located in CSC’s modern data centre
                                                                      environment in Kajaani.

                                                                   Photo: CSC, Fade Creative
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