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CEO’s Review

Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report

  A good start for the journey towards future

                                                                                Our operating environment remained challenging along
                                                                                with the continued impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                                                                                pandemic on both our customers and our own activities.
                                                                                The restrictive measures imposed on passenger ship traffic

                                                                                    still had an impact on our premium income and the
                                                                                       number of the insured, but we are confident about the
                                                                                         post-pandemic future and the recovery of passenger
                                                                                               We are focused on developing our activities
                                                                                           to meet the oncoming challenges. We have
                                                                                           updated our strategy, which extends to the year
                                                                                           2026. In short, the key aspects are the customers
                                                                                           and responsibility. Competitive operations are
                                                                                           ensured by, among other things, our professional
                                                                                           personnel, functional systems and efficient
                                                                                               The core strategic goals are reflected in our
                                                                                           recruitment as well as changes to the tasks of our
                                                                                           personnel. By changing over to a new accounting
                                                                                           system, we managed to increase the efficiency of
                                                                                           many processes. The single most important project
                                                                                           involved the new pension and insurance processing
                                                                                          system, which was taken into use at the start of
                                                                                          2022. We believe it will enhance the customer
                                                                                        experience and release resources for customer work,
                                                                                      such as the services provided by our new work ability

                                                                                      We continued our responsibility work, especially
                                                                                in terms of personnel and investments. Our first-ever
                                                                                sustainability report is being drawn up. We invested in
                                                                                the maintenance and promotion of the work ability of
                                                                                our personnel. In addition, we built up our model for
                                                                                responsible HR management. The model is linked with
                                                                                the goal-oriented interaction coaching programme (Deep
                                                                                Lead®) for the entire personnel, which started in the

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