Page 4 - Seafarers_pension_fund_annual_and_sustainability_report_2023
P. 4

CEO’s Review

Operating Environment                             If the geopolitical situation were to deteri-  Future Outlook                                ”In terms of maritime
                                                  orate further, it would have significant                                                      transport, domestic
In 2023, central bank interest rates contin-      effects on economic growth.                    We joined the International Seafarers’         passenger traffic has
ued to rise, and in the early part of the year,                                                  Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN),          recovered to pre-
there was even a minor banking crisis in          Key Actions                                    which provides tools, services, networks,        pandemic levels.”
the USA. Towards the end of the year, there                                                      and research information to promote the
was a new escalation of geopolitical risk in      We continued to develop our ORSA (Own          well-being of seafarers. At the end of 2023,                                                      Seafarers’ Pension Fund | Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 4
the Middle East. Investment returns, espe-        Risk and Solvency Assessment) to assess        we became an observer member of Pen-
cially in the latter part of the year, increased  risks and solvency. We conducted long-         sionsEurope. Following the sustainability
significantly as inflation began to slow          term scenario analysis related to, among       reporting directive issued by the EU Parlia-
down, and central banks were expected to          other things, the development of premium       ment, Seafarers’ Pension Fund has an obli-
cut interest rates significantly during 2024.     income and investment returns. The key         gation to audit sustainability reporting for
                                                  observation was that it is justified to con-   investment activities from 2026 onwards.
   The economic development in Finland            tinue the increase in the proportion of        We have begun preparations for its imple-
was very sluggish. As Finland’s debt is           liquid investments (41.4 %). In this regard,   mentation. The pension calculation and
variable-rate, the rise in interest rates         we particularly started portfolio manage-      insurance information systems of the
quickly reflected on financing costs. Fin-        ment of listed investments and initiated a     pension industry will be renewed during
land technically entered a recession as           system acquisition to improve risk man-        the period 2024–2027. We have initiated
the development in the construction and           agement, with the aim of implementing it       the development of an artificial intelli-
forestry sectors deteriorated sharply.            during 2024. We increased the number of        gence strategy aimed at improving custom-
                                                  banks through which we manage payments,        er and employee experience and enhancing
   In terms of maritime transport, do-            ensuring, among other things, the payment      operational efficiency. We are preparing
mestic passenger traffic has recovered to         of pensions in exceptional situations. The     for changes in the pension system by in-
pre-pandemic levels. The price level of           implementation of the long-term invest-        creasing liquid investments in portfolio
maritime freight was low at the beginning         ment strategy was continued, and the focus     changes.
of the year but has returned to the long-         of investments was further shifted from
term average level. The most significant          real estate to liquid investments. The sale    Helsinki, March 2024
risks are related to geopolitics. There is a      of residential properties continued in early
risk that the conflict in the Middle East         2023, and the direct real estate allocation    Jari Puhakka
will escalate, which could affect the price       decreased to 14.8 %. The fixed income port-
of oil and complicate, for example, mari­         folio was increased to 6.4 %, and the allo-    CEO
time transportation between Asia and              cation to listed equities rose to 32.1 %.
Europe, leading to an upward impact on
inflation. There are also risks in Asia, par-
ticularly concerning Taiwan and Korea.
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