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Review of 2023                                                                                                                Seafarers’ Pension Fund | Strategy

Ensuring Pension Security                              payments, electronic pension decisions, pension       Our strategy is  Our key values         We secure the        We operate
for Our Customers                                      payment dates, and their own register informa-        centered around  are reliability,       pensions of          responsibly,
                                                       tion. The number of users logged into the Loki        customers and    sustainability,        seafarers            cost-effectively,
Setting an adequate insurance premium level            online service and those who have chosen elec-                         and                                         and profitably
through actuarial studies, collecting insurance        tronic services has increased significantly. Users    sustainability   collaboration.
premiums from shipowner employers and seafarer         often use the service to check their retirement age
insured individuals, paying pensions correctly and     and estimated pension amount before filling out a                                        Strengths
on time, and supporting seafarers’ employability       pension application. Our pension processing pres-
are the cornerstones of our operations. Our stra-      entation times are fast, and according to customer    Industry         Competitive  Strong          Management     High-quality
tegic focus is on customers – we aim to serve them     feedback, the service provided by pension experts     expertise        premium      solvency        of disability  and multi­
in the best possible way and provide added value       before and during the pension decision process is                      level                        risk           lingual services
to the industry as a statutory pension insurer in      quick, professional, and friendly. The ratings av-
the field. Although the number of Finnish-flagged      erage at 4.5, with a maximum of 5.0. We also re-                                         Enablers
merchant ships has not increased, the number of        ceive positive feedback on communication.
insured individuals working on Finnish ships has                                                             Competent and    Functional systems           Participation in the
increased. The number of pension recipients has           Seafarers retire at an average age of 61.8, which  evolving staff   and efficient processes      industry’s long-term
decreased. There were 7,226 insured individuals        is the same level as in 2022. The average retire-                                                   development
and 7,811 pension recipients in 2023. The Seafar-      ment age in the MEL system was 59.5 years, while
ers’ Pension Fund’s insurance portfolio is dom-        the overall average retirement age in the entire
inated by passenger vessels, with nearly 63% of        pension industry was 62.4 years. The difference
insured individuals working in the passenger vessel    may be explained by the lower retirement ages in
sector, and the wage sum used as the basis for in-     the maritime pension system and the exception-
surance premiums representing nearly 53%.              ally high pension indexation rates for pensions
                                                       starting in 2022 and 2023, which also attracted
   We made over six hundred decisions related to       seafarers to retire. The average pensions for crew
pensions and benefits. We encourage our custom-        members were 2022 euros for women and 2262
ers primarily to use electronic services via the Loki  euros for men. For officers it was 3318 euros for
online service on our website. The service provides    men. The global maritime industry is also reflected
insured individuals with their pension statement,      in the Seafarers’ Pension Fund’s registry. Pensions
pension calculators, electronic pension applica-       are paid to various parts of the world. Most of the
tions, and their own register information to be        insured live in Finland, from north to south, in-
checked and partly updated. Pension recipients         cluding Åland. We serve customers in various ser-
can find information on their pension or benefit       vice channels in three languages: Finnish, Swedish,
                                                       and English. >

                                                                                                                                                           Seafarers’ Pension Fund | Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 7
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