Page 14 - PlanWorld_1_2012_high
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New potential with mobile,
                                                     low-dose 3D imaging

                                                     The careful development process proved

                                                     worth the effort as Planmed Verity turned

                                                     out as the first ever mobile 3D extremity

                                                     imaging device, which currently has no real

                                                     competitors. According to Seppälä, when

                                                     a patient nowadays comes to a clinic with

                                                     an injured extremity, the standard procedure example, in a 2D image of the forefoot,

                                                     is to take a 2D. In many cases, however, the numerous small bones show as

                                                     the injury does not show in a 2D image or overlapping, making it difficult to see how

                                                     a lot is left to guesswork.                       a  bone is bent or how a single articular

Developers have no intention of starting to twiddle     “In the long run, our bold hope is             surface behaves. In such case there is a risk
their thumbs. “We cannot hang back as there will     to   challenge the current gold standard of       that the foot is diagnosed as healthy and
be competition. In fact we already have a clear      2D imaging by offering a mobile low-dose          the patient is sent home with an injury. By
plan in prospect and fresh ideas for other products  3D imaging option”, Seppälä says. Due to its      comparison, in 3D CT or MRI the patient
in this category”, state Dr Sami Tohka (right) and   compact and mobile design, Planmed Verity         is lying on the bed and the extremity is
Mr Lauri Seppälä.                                    can be easily transported and sited in virtually  at rest. However, in order for a  arrowing

In 2005, the Research & De­velopment any existing X-ray room. “For example, in of the  joint-space to show in the image, it

team at Planmeca started to explore a   hospital emergency department where is crucial that the extremity is under load

how they could make use of the existing patients come for the first time in injury cases, during the  scan. “Planmed Verity is the first

technology of the Planmeca ProMax 3D Planmed Verity is a great option. Easy patient device combining 3D with weight-bearing

dental X-ray unit in other type of imaging. access and mobile design combined with imaging, and it is currently the only one on

One day the head of the R&D team, low dose is what makes it ideal for routine the market, Seppälä proudly claims.

Mr Arto Virta brought his colleague a chair          imaging”, Tohka sums up its benefits.             The very promising future
and asked him to lift up his leg so that
an X-ray could be taken of the foot using            Interesting applications                          According to Tohka, there is a great interest

a Planmeca ProMax 3D unit. A few years One of the most interesting applications on behalf of universities in looking for new

14 later this playful experiment led to a totally of Planmed Verity is scaphoid imaging. applications and developing treatment

new product – the mobile extremity scanner Scaphoid fracture is the most common standards. There are in fact several research

Planmed Verity®.                                     wrist fracture, accounting for 60 to 90% of projects under way in university hospitals

The initial idea for a mobile extremity all bone injuries of the wrist. However, up which in the future will expand to England,

imaging device came from orthopaedists. to 25% of these fractures may not show in Germany, Italy and the US. “An interesting

Since the very beginning, the development initial radiographs. According to Seppälä, the research study on how articular injuries

team has cooperated with high-level clinical complex structure of the scaphoid shows in show up in Verity images compared to MRI

experts including radiologists, orthopaedists a 2D image as overlapping, making it difficult is currently under way and from our point

and physicists from Finnish university to evaluate the injury. “In 2D imaging several of view, the   preliminary results are very

hospitals as well as the Massachusetts different projections may be required, promising”, Tohka explains.

General Hospital in Boston, USA. In 2008 whereas from a single 3D image the whole

it was decided that the device would be anatomy can be analysed from different

commercialised by Planmed Oy.                        angles”, he explains.

To find out what the market and demand               Also in the case of intra-articular surface

for this type of device was and what exactly         fractures, where the break crosses into           Planmed Verity® extremity scanner
it was to be used for, Planmed undertook             the   surface of a joint, the evaluation of       in a nutshell:
market research. “For competitive reasons it         anatomy and treatment is very challenging.        •	 compact in size, stand-alone and mobile:
was important to make use of our existing            “For proper diagnosis it is critical to           	 easy to site in almost any existing X-ray room
technology as much as possible. At the same          evaluate the relative position of the bone        •	 optimised patient comfort and versatile

                                                                                                         positioning with soft surfaced gantry and

time, however, the device had to be clearly          fragments and their relationship to ligament        dedicated positioning trays
distinguishable from all other medical devices       attachment. This can be achieved with high-       •	 high-quality 3D imaging with low dose at the
on the market”, Dr Sami Tohka, Sales and             resolution (0.4 and 0.2 mm) imaging. In fact,
Marketing Director at Planmed says about             our resolution actually exceeds the resolution      point of care
the early stages of the project. To present          of CT images”, Tohka continues.                   •	 easy access even from wheelchair or

                                                                                                         hospital bed
                                                                                                       •	 weight-bearing imaging for imaging under load

the different ideas to the experts involved                                                            •	 compact and attractive design; ideal also for
                                                                                                         elderly and paediatric patients
in the research, several different concept Weight-bearing imaging in 3D

models were created. “We used polystyrene The totally unique feature in Planmed Verity

and other similar materials to build the most is its 3D weight-bearing imaging option. In

imaginative widgets one after the other and in 2D weight-bearing imaging, the complex

2009, the final concept was decided”, Product anatomy and structural overlap present

Manager Mr Lauri Seppälä says with a smile. a challenge for image interpretation. For
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