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Planmed Verity has a CE
mark and is available for
sale in the EU and many
other countries where the
CE certificate permits sales.
FDA approval is pending.

Planmed Verity® wins the jackpot                                                                  Honorary Mention
at the 2012 Medical Design Excellence Awards                                                      in Finnish design
                                                                                                  competition Fennia Prize
The Planmed Verity® Extremity Scanner           and change traditional medical attitudes or                                                                        15
won the sought-after title: the 2012 Medical    practices, features that provide enhanced         Planmed also received an Honorary Mention
Design Excellence Award (MDEA) Gold             benefits to the patient, and the ability of the   for its Planmed Verity® Extremity Scanner,
Winner, and was also nominated “Best            product development team to overcome              in the Finnish design competition Fennia
in Show”. MDEA is the premier awards            design and engineering challenges so that         Prize 2012.
competition for the medical technology          the product meets its clinical objectives.
community.                                                                                           The objective of this international design
                                                   “We are particularly proud of this award.      competition for firms and companies is to
   The judging of the MDEA competition          MDEA is highly recognised and appreciated         support the production of high-standard
is conducted by an impartial, independent       within the medical device and imaging             products and services and to promote
multidisciplinary panel of jurors who           industry”, states Mr Vesa Mattila, Vice           the competitiveness and internationalisation
evaluated a total of 41 finalist products in    President with Planmed Oy. “The compact,          of industry. Alongside high standard
10 categories.                                  ergonomic and mobile Planmed Verity               design, evaluation criteria include usability,
                                                Extremity Scanner gorgeously combines             environmental and social responsibility and
   Entries are evaluated on the basis of their  modern and elegant design into a state-of-the     impact on business.
design and engineering features, including      art functional medical imaging system.”
innovative use of materials, user-related
functions that improve healthcare delivery

“red dot award: product design 2012” design prize for                                             Medical Design Excellence Awards
Planmed Verity                                                                                    Established in 1998, the Medical Design Excellence Awards
                                                                                                  (MDEA) is the medical device industry’s premier design
Earlier this year, Planmed Verity convinced     Manager with Planmed Oy.                          awards competition and the only awards program that
the 30-member international expert jury of         Professor Dr. Peter Zec, initiator and         exclusively recognises contributions and advances in the
the “red dot award: product design 2012”.                                                         design of medical products. The MDEA competition is open
                                                CEO of the red dot design award, pointed          worldwide to companies and individuals involved in the
   Manufacturers from all over the world        to the high quality level of the competition:     design, engineering, manufacture, or distribution of finished
submitted a total of 4,515 designs to           “The most distinguished products of               medical devices or medical packaging.
the renowned product competition. Planmed       the respective branch of industry faced up
Verity received the globally sought-after red   not only to the tough competition this year
dot in the product category of Life Science     again, but also to the critical eye of the jury.  The red dot design award
and Medicine.                                   The experts thoroughly examined, tested and       The red dot design award, whose origins reach back to the
                                                evaluated each individual entry, applying the     1950s, is carried out in three disciplines: the “red dot award:
   “Design of this device is both welcoming     highest standards. With their performances,       product design”, the “red dot award: communication design”
and gentle with a strong personality. The look  the laureates not only demonstrated               and the “red dot award: design concept”. The award – the
is enhanced with a tear-drop shaped imaging     an  extraordinary design quality but they         red dot – has established itself internationally as one of the
bore and “The Bite” in the outer rim that       also showed that design is an integral part of    most appreciated quality seals for outstanding designs.
helps patient positioning”, states Mr Tapio     innovative product solutions.”          
Laukkanen, Industrial and UI Design
                                                                                                  Video: Meet the Industrial
                                                                                                  Designers of Planmeca and
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