Page 30 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
P. 30

In the simulation section with five
plus five spaces, students practice
in a work environment that is
very similar to an actual clinical

Folktandvården’s (Swedish National                    The clinic’s new section has a total of          "We needed to be able to accommodate
    Dental Health Service) 3000 m2 basic           70 treatment spaces with the most modern         as many work spaces as possible in as small

training clinic for adult dental care students equipment in Sweden: 40 simulator spaces an area as possible, both for dental hygienist

underwent a complete renovation in 2011. and 30 treatment spaces. Of the latter, 24 training and dentist training.”

The need for the remodeling arose from spaces are in large teaching halls and six are               Aiming to find a modern simulation clinic,

the increasing number of dental and dental in smaller training rooms, one of which has the choice fell to Planmeca Compact i, clinical

hygiene students being taken in each year. a video camera.                                          simulation. Students work on a dummy with

Also, clinical training starts earlier in the new  Each day, this section fits approximately a torso at a real dental unit. This solution

dentistry curriculum.                              100 students and patients, and roughly 60 saved a lot of space at the clinic.

   “The training is being expanded and we          clinic personnel (20 nurses, 6 hygienists and    Ergonomic design and authentic
were looking for solutions to maximise the         30 dentists as well as administrative personnel  environment
number of work spaces,” explains Ms. Åsa           and clinic management). It is obvious that

30 Leonhardt, associate professor and head scheduling is a challenging puzzle.                      Plameca has brought simulation to the same

of Folktandvården’s training clinic for adult      All 30 treatment spaces are equipped level as the most popular unit sold, the
                                                   with Planmeca Compact™ i units with Planmeca Compact™ i Touch. This includes

“The real challenge for us now is that we are LED lighting, Planmeca dental chairs with a touchscreen instead of push buttons and

in the middle of a transition period between stand­ard upholstery and soft headrests in a LED lights instead of halogen lighting.

two different curricula,” she continues. “Since Tempur-Pedic material, saddle chairs, and           The unit is easy to use, displaying clear

the students now come in contact with dental stools.                                                symbols and text instructions. Each work­

patients earlier than previously, we need both                                                      space is equipped with a display screen for
                                                                                                    working with data records and for showing
more patients and more treatment spaces." A modern simulation clinic

More room                                          “When the renovation group was looking for demonstration films.

                                                   new equipment, we looked for a simulation        “It’s wonderful that we are investing in the

The most notable aspects of the change are clinic that was similar to the actual clinical students and can provide new innovations for

the lighting, the open spaces, and the fresh situation and that provided a large number training,” says Åsa Leonhardt, who feels that it

color scheme.                                      of spaces,” says Leonhardt.                      is a strength to be able to show demonstration

                                                                                                    Tomorrow’s dentists work with the
                                                                                                    latest equipment right from the start.
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