Page 27 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
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Copy & images Olga Ilyina

The 15-year-old clinic Denta is located in
Maikop city, the capital of the Adygea
Republic in southern Russia. Maikop has a
population of about 170,000. In these smaller
towns, the exchange of information between
patients is rapid, and positive feedback – and
the negative, too – spreads quickly.

                                                                                                  and that is why we equipped our clinic with a
                                                                                                  Planmeca ProMax® 3D dental imaging unit
                                                                                                  already two years ago.

                                                                                                  Functional clinic =                             27
                                                                                                  a perfect showroom
Planmeca Sovereign is the favourite unit of the clinic owner,
Mr. Azamat Unarokov.                                                                              Personal experience, the quality of the
                                                                                                  equipment and the potential of the Planmeca
"We wanted to make a cosy, modern clinic,          Over the years, Denta has expanded:            equipment in general led to my decision to
equipped with advanced equipment, where         today we have four dental treatment rooms         open Planmeca’s dealership in southern
patients can get the full range of dental       in the clinic, a dental laboratory, centralised   Russia seven years ago. Thus, the functions
treatments and diagnostics. The equipment       sterilisation and an X-ray diagnostics room.      of my clinic have expanded – it is used as
of Planmeca meets the requirements that we      We feature the complete range of dental           a showroom where any doctor can see the
have set for it; exceptional design, excellent  units from Planmeca at our clinic. All the        equipment in the workflow, to assess its
ergonomics, and, of course, the reviews of      rooms are equipped with Planmeca Intra™           functional and intellectual potential. In my
colleagues who were already familiar with       intraoral X-ray units along with a Planmeca       opinion, the living example of a working and
Planmeca affected our choice.                   ProSensor® system.                                successful clinic is much more effective than
                                                                                                  a regular showroom.
Ergonomics, innovations, and                       Modern dentistry requires the capability
comfort count                                   for other patient positioning than the classical     Having your own clinic and working
                                                supine position. It is very important for us      daily on the equipment, you get invaluable
The ergonomics created by Planmeca’s            to be able to communicate and to examine          experience. You get unparalleled knowledge
engineers is indisputably the best in the       the patient in the sitting position. Many         of all the details concerning its use.
world, as stated by many dentists. The          treatments, such as the assessment of the
concept of an all-in-one, lift chair system     aesthetic parameters of the face and lips,           It gives you the possibility to offer well-
and the compact size of the equipment were      performance evaluation of the treatment           reasoned advice to customers and answer any
revolutionary solutions, and time has shown     results, discussion of the treatment plan, etc,   questions based on your own knowledge and
that these solutions were ideal.                are available and very comfortable in a face-     experience. We are completely open to our
                                                to-face position with the new and unique          clients – and this openness is our vision and
   Our way of operating is very independent,    features of the Planmeca Sovereign® chair.        the key to our success.”
so we have needed very little support from      In turn, our patients greatly appreciate the
the distributor – we typically have done        comfort during treatment.                           Company profile: Denta
everything ourselves. The main thing for us
is that we have organised good service, and        We believe it is impossible to work these          Located in Maykop, Adygea Republic,
therefore, we have had no problems in our       days without dental tomography. Thorough              Russian Federation
clinic’s workflow.                              diagnostics is the key to successful treatment,
                                                                                                      Founded in 2000

                                                                                                      Planmeca distributor since 2004
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