Page 22 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
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Third-year students Lauri Tuuliainen and Each treatment unit is the optimum size, which Trustwater™
Saara Kivelä practice working with a torso leads to significant rental savings.
attached to a dental unit. • Centralised waterline cleaning
system for dental units
• Biofilm elimination system based on
electrochemically activated water
• Environmentally friendly
• Safe for the patient, the dental team
and maintenance personnel
• Replaces chemicals
• Suitable for practices of all sizes
• Does not require daily or weekly
• The result of collaboration and
research by Planmeca, Trustwater
and Trinity College in Dublin
New generation of Green technology In Trustwater's environmentally friendly
teaching methods and chemical replacement system, water
One of the most important competitive
The simulation room has 40 student places advantages of Planmeca's learning is separated and purified in a centralised
22 and 2 teacher workstations. The teacher environment is the use of green technology. manner. In this way, water directed to the
controls all the student workstations from The University of Eastern Finland is the dental units and sinks is completely purified,
his or her own station, and the teaching can first university in Finland that has installed so that soap dispensers are no longer
be organised with fewer staff, thanks to this a centralised automated waterline cleaning required at the treatment stations. “You can
modern technology. system, Trustwater™. “The system reduces wash your hands in the changing room in the
The simulation area is separated from labor and maintenance costs, as well as morning with soap and use rinses and gloves
the rest of the department by a glass wall. chemical purchases. This is an extremely in the workspace,” says Hokkanen.
“Those who are still training with torsos can wise investment that will pay for itself in Continuous cooperation
continuously see the older students who are about six years,” Kellokoski says.
already working with real patients. This is very In choosing a provider for the learning
motivating for them in every way. When you environment, it was important to select
move to the other side of the glass wall, you a company that would also commit to
will find exactly the same layout and dental continuous development and cooperation
unit. There is no need to learn everything with the university after delivery. “It is
from scratch,” says Kellokoski. “Yes, the not enough that the unit is modern just
students have a completely different start to for now – it must also be so a year from
their studies here because of the cutting-edge now,” Kellokoski points out. “This in turn
technology,” he continues. requires continuous co-operation and
Each unit is also the most optimal size. development. The learning environment is
“It would not be possible to fit into a space also a good place to test new innovations.
with a smaller floor area. However, there is This serves both the manufacturer and us as
enough room to manoeuvre. For example, a university.”
positioning the dental unit for right- or left-
handed use just takes a couple of minutes. The leg rest on Planmeca's dental unit chairs folds
There is also enough space to carry out down 90 degrees so that it also serves as a consul-
maintenance procedures well. When you tation chair. In modern dental care, detailed dis-
cussions are held face-to-face with patients before
consider how much one square meter costs treatment.
in rent over 10 years, you are already talking
about quite a large sum of money.”