Page 21 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
P. 21

“Dentists are trained nowadays to take on a
                                                                                                       more versatile role than the traditional one,”
                                                                                                       says Professor Jari Kellokoski from the
                                                                                                       University of Eastern Finland. On the left,
                                                                                                       Mr. Esko Hokkanen from Plandent Oy.

Dental education in Eastern Finland was             Planmeca dental units                              headrest just like a real person’s neck does,”     21
      discontinued in 1998, which resulted in       as modern teaching aids                            explains Plandent Regional Manager Esko
an acute need for dentists in the region. It was                                                       Hokkanen. The dental unit is suitable for
decided to start teaching again on the Kuopio          When selecting a provider for the new           both simulated training and for normal
campus of the University of Eastern Finland         learning environment, one of the many              dental care and treatment. “The torsos can be
in the autumn of 2010.                              criteria was that the leg rest on the patient’s    removed and placed in their specially made
                                                    chair in the dental unit could fold down 90        storage bags.”
    The new teaching environment aims to            degrees. “The patient will be interviewed face-
provide the most modern dental training             to-face today, and the traditional dental unit is     The torso has a chest area as well, so
in Finland, with dentists graduating with a         not suitable for this purpose. The Planmeca        during simulation exercises, the anatomical
more versatile skill set than the traditional       patient chairs also function as a consultation     conditions are correct the whole time. “You
job description requires. “We want to               chair. When the leg rest is down, the dentist      have to move yourself in relation to the
educate doctors specializing in the mouth           can sit easily in front of the patient.”           patient's chest,” says Kellokoski. In addition,
area who care for the health of the whole                                                              the wireless foot controls and foot-adjustable
person through oral care,” says Professor Jari         The importance of medical history is            working chairs provide additional ergonomic
Kellokoski, Director of the University of           emphasised in modern dental education.             support.
Eastern Finland Institute of Dentistry.             “One should talk with the patient for some
                                                    time before doing anything else. In an upright     Seamless collaboration with
    Students are taught to prioritise the kind      position, the neck and lymph nodes can also        the university hospital
of treatment that is most essential and urgent      be examined. The first visit is often used for
for the patient. “For example, if the patient       discussion alone, and people must get used to         Kuopio University Hospital is located next
is very overweight, the matter should be            this change. Dentists are being taught more        to the Institute of Dentistry: easy access is
discussed, and it should be considered              and more these days to take on the role of         provided by a tunnel 200 meters long. Larger
whether it would be necessary to consult a          consultant.”                                       X-rays can be taken at the hospital, while
nutritional therapist, an internist, etc. Excess                                                       intraoral images are taken at the institute. “The
weight causes an ongoing inflammatory               Good ergonomics right                              hospital's oral imaging center is equipped
process in the body, making conditions such         from the start                                     with all the latest available technology, and
as gingivitis difficult to treat in such patients.                                                     in December it got the Planmeca ProFace®
Gingivitis in turn affects the entire body and is   Planmeca's idea behind the learning                face photo system. Similarly, ultrasound
harmful in relation to many general diseases.”      environment is that students learn good            equipment is available and it is possible to
                                                    working ergonomics right from the start            carry out laboratory tests in the hospital.”
    Similarly, students are taught to suspect       of their studies by practicing with real
sleep apnea on the basis of facial bone             dental units. Neck and shoulder disorders             During simulations, students can practice
structure, as well as to explore causes of          are general occupational health problems           taking X-ray images of the skull. The teacher
headaches, for example. “The idea is that           for dental practitioners, so acquiring the         authorises taking pictures from his or her
a whole person is treated at the reception,         right ergonomics is important even before          own workstation, as well as approves the
not just a set of teeth, as has been the case       beginning to work with patients.                   images.
traditionally. What we seek to do now is to
ensure that people receive the treatment they          “In simulation, the treatment stations             The students are also taught how to
need. Dentistry should be taken as a part of        are exactly the same as they are in real           recognise changes in facial skin. The changes
overall health care.”                               patient care. Attached to the dental unit is       are photographed and sent directly to the
                                                    a torso with neck joints that bend with the        hospital dermatologist for consultation.
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