Page 17 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
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Public Dental Services
                                                                                                  in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

                                                                                                  Curative and preventive services in the field of oral

                                                                                                  and dental health are provided through 1,982 dental

                                                                                                  clinics annexed to hospitals and health centres

                                                                                                  spread throughout the Kingdom as follows:
                                                                                                     •	 1,138 dental clinics annexed to health centres.
                                                                                                     •	 449 dental clinics annexed to hospitals.
                                                                                                     •	 395 dental clinics annexed to specialised
                                                                                                     •	 55 mobile dental clinics.

                                                                                                  There are 12,234 dentists registered with the Saudi
                                                                                                  Dental Society (by June 2012), but not everyone is
                                                                                                  registered, so the approximate number could be
                                                                                                  around 13,000 dentists.


The Planmeca-CARE team visited the King Saud University
College of Dentistry in September.

Preparing for these record-breaking agree­      with the university project team and the          Advances in technology for
    ments made the professionals on both        contractor to come up with a win-win              the good of the Kingdom
ends think and rethink their options and        solution for everyone", says Mr Eli Chedid,
possibilities. New innovations were taken into  CEO at CARE.                                      The King Saud University College of
consideration and the solution was tailored                                                       Dentistry is investing heavily in the future.
so that it was optimal for both institutions.      The Planmeca teaching environment              The boys’ campus will get a brand new
The result is a teaching environment that is    was designed for the climate and environ­         dental hospital building, and the girls’ college
modern and will carry dental education in       mental factors of Saudi Arabia. For example,      will move to a brand new building on a new
Saudi Arabia into the future.                   the centralised water treatment system            campus adjacent to the boys’ campus. The
                                                ensures a clean and safe water supply for         equipment acquired for the two buildings
Thinking and rethinking to reach the            treatment independently of local water            is similar in order to standardise the clinical
optimal solution                                conditions. Also, the dental unit infection       practice and its maintenance.
                                                control cycles are automated and centralised
Planmeca and its local distributor, CARE,       to guarantee the safety of the patients and          Professor Khalid Ali Al Wazzan, Dean
first needed to convince the management         the dental team.                                  of the King Saud University College of
and faculty of the university that the fully                                                      Dentistry, says: “We had a vision. We were
integrated solution that Planmeca provides         The dental unit concept, based on              looking for innovative methods to provide
for teaching institutions, especially large     Planmeca Compact™ i dental units,                 the highest quality education and research
ones, had many clinical advantages and          supports a seamless transition from               – to provide the best dental health care for
long-term cost savings in addition to being     pre-clinical simu­lation training to clinical     the citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
unmatched by any other manufacturer. In         training and actual patient treatment.
addition, direct and objective endorsements                                                          We chose the company that demonstrated
by dental schools around the world had an          In this way, the students learn the            commitment to the university’s vision of
important effect on winning over the trust      efficient and safe use of real dental units and   excellence in dental education and that
of the King Saud University.                    X-ray equipment already at early stages of        we believe is best positioned to serve the
                                                their training, and will be able to easily adapt  interests of the university, its faculty, and
    "Many stumbling blocks were faced along     to the workflows of their future employers,       most importantly, its students – the dentists
the way, but the team worked in partnership     whether private clinics or hospital annexes.      of the future in Saudi Arabia.”
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