Page 14 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
P. 14

Demonstrating the magic moves of Planmeca Sovereign®

                                                                   Amazing Asia could be the slogan of an Asian travel
14 campaign, but in terms of business development

 Growing and progress, it is probably not making full justice
                                                                   to last decade’s transformations and progress in the

 with Asia Asian nations and marketplace.
                                                                                                                    Copy Jouko Nykänen IMAGES Janne Kyöstilä and planmeca archive

Planmeca has been present in the key                The answer, however, is much less           Patience and persistence
    Asian markets ever since the 1980s.          glamorous. The key factors for Planmeca in
We are very pleased to see China in our          Asia have been:                                When Planmeca started its sales activities
top three sales ranking along with the           •	 Very persistent and long-term ground­       in China in the mid-eighties, the country
traditionally strong markets of France and                                                      was very different from today. Still in the
the US.                                            work from the early stages of the markets    late nineties, the number of potential
                                                 •	 Having an open and alert mind, keeping      customers was quite limited. Despite this,
    Asia is the focus area in many ways. We                                                     Planmeca worked patiently and supported
are clearly the preferred brand for 2D and 3D      pace with the fast market growth and         key Chinese institutions and professionals in
X-ray users in Asia. Planmeca has the leading      changes                                      their development work.
and a fast growing market share in China, a      •	 True, transparent, long-term partnerships
significant market share in Japan and is well    •	 Working and learning closely together          The persistent groundwork brought
qualified for the pole position in India in the    with partners and customers                  significant results already in the mid-nineties
race for future growth.                          •	 Personalised service with flexibility       when Planmeca along with its sister company
                                                 •	 Consistency in support on all levels        Planmed made a great breakthrough with a
What lies beneath?                               •	 Always respecting and understanding the     large equipment project, supplying a large
                                                   local culture and conditions                 number of dental care units, dental and
Is it the fact that Finland is positioned a      •	 Offering genuine and trend-setting, yet     mammography X-ray units and acces­so­ries
little bit between the East and the West that      simple, practical and reliable products and  to hospitals and institutions in China. This
has helped us in Asia, or is it the positive       innovations                                  early project helped Planmeca to create a
reputation of Finland? Maybe we are              •	 Converting advanced product features        benchm­ ark in product quality and support,
applying unique strategies or have found           into locally understandable customer         which partially paved the road for further
the magic toolbox?                                 benefits                                     achievements in the market.
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