Page 5 - PlanWorld_1_2013_high
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More efficient production processes           is rapidly increasing all over the world. This       See you at IDS2013                             5
and increased capacity                        means Planmeca Romexis® imaging software
                                              has a key role: currently we are able to provide     The International Dental Show in Cologne
Our new, ultra-modern production facilities   and create attractive combinations of 3D             is a great chance to get a first-hand look at
are now fully in operation. We have refined   volume data for different clinical purposes.         our latest innovations and pioneering dental
our processes in both X-ray and dental        In addition to the excellent user experience         technology.
unit production to improve efficiency. I      and sophisticated imaging tools, we offer you
am very pleased that these efforts have       the freedom of choice. A software system                We’re proud to take our Digital perfection
resulted in an increased production capacity  and platform with open connectivity makes            concept to the next level by introducing new
and significant cuts in our delivery times,   it possible for the dentist to use various           open CAD/CAM solutions, digital equip­
enabling us to serve you better.              different planning applications, for instance,       ment, and a complete software package
                                              in prosthodontics and orthodontics.                  – helping dental professionals around the
Planmeca Academy for 3D product               I strongly believe that Planmeca’s software          world work more effectively.
user-training                                 policy is the right one.
                                                                                                      I look forward to seeing you at our stand.
To meet the growing needs of our 3D              Another interesting area is the use of 3D
users, Planmeca has now launched a new        patient-specific implants that we provide                                Heikki Kyöstilä
international 3D training program called the  for reconstructive maxillofacial surgery. The                            President
Planmeca Academy. The aim is to set a new     increasing amount of virtual 3D patient data
benchmark in 3D product user training. The    enables us to take full advantage of 3D modeling
training courses are led by internationally   in difficult reconstructive surgical patient cases.
noted medical and dental professionals        The feedback for these patient-specific implants
around the world. Learn more about our        has been excellent, since it brings important cost
new program in this magazine.                 savings for hospitals by decreasing operation
                                              time. Most importantly, the treatment outcome
Openness and freedom of choice                is a much better aesthetic result and quality of
                                              life for the patient.
The number of equipment and solution
providers especially in the field of imaging
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