Page 19 - PlanWorld_1_2015_EN_high_0215
P. 19

The Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol lowers the effective patient dose by up to 75%

Planmeca ProMax® 3D units offer the unique Planmeca Ultra           Ultra low dose images are ideal for many clinical cases,
    Low Dose™ imaging protocol, which enables CBCT imaging      such as:
with an even lower patient radiation dose than standard 2D      •	 Orthodontics:
panoramic imaging. This pioneering imaging protocol is based
on intelligent 3D algorithms developed by Planmeca and yields      •	 Defining the amount of bone around the root
a vast amount of detailed anatomical information at a very low     •	 Localising unerupted and impacted teeth before orthodontic
patient dose.
    The protocol can be used with all voxel sizes and in all       •	 Defining orthodontic landmarks for cephalometric analysis
imaging modes from Normal to Endodontic mode. Using the         •	 Post-operative and follow-up images in maxillofacial surgery
Planmeca Ultra Low Dose protocol reduces the effective patient  •	 Airway studies
dose by up to 75–80%.                                           •	 Sinus studies
                                                                •	 Implant planning

The Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™     We at MESANTIS® 3D DENTAL-                                   reduce the effective dose significantly by
protocol has changed 3D          RADIOLOGICUM produce about 7,500 CBCT                        using the Planmeca Ultra Low Dose protocol.
imaging completely               images per year at eight locations in                        Depending on the field of view, nowadays
                                 Germany.                                                     CBCT equipment with a Planmeca Ultra
Prof. Dr. Axel Bumann                                                                         Low Dose algorithm has an effective dose
DDS, PhD, Orthodontist, Oral         Our main concern in X-ray imaging is                     between 4 to 22 or 10 to 36 µSv.
surgeon, Oral and Maxillofacial  to reduce the possible radiation dose as
Radiology, MESANTIS® 3D          much as is reasonably achievable (ALARA                          Our patients and referring colleagues are
DENTAL-RADIOLOGICUM              principle). Traditional digital 2D X-rays at an              always happy to hear that the effective dose
                                 orthodontist’s clinic usually have an effective              for certain indications is now even lower
                                 dose ranging between 26–35 µSv (ICRP 2007).                  than in traditional 2D X-ray imaging. Since
                                 Conventional CBCT images of the head with                    last year we have been able to replace the
                                 modern CBCT equipment show an effective                      common CBCT protocols with the Planmeca
                                                                                              Ultra Low Dose protocol.
                                 dose ranging between 49–90 µSv.
                                     The latest image protocol with a specific                    At MESANTIS® 3D DENTAL-RADIOLOGICUM
                                                                                              in Germany, the Planmeca Ultra Low Dose
                                 associated algorithm is called the Planmeca                  imaging protocol is used either with a small
                                 Ultra Low Dose™ protocol. In medical terms,                  or large field of view. Using the new protocol,
                                 it allows radiologists to adjust imaging                     a lot of patients can benefit from improved
                                 parameters individually according to the                     3D diagnostics without being exposed to a
                                 clinical needs of each case. The mA-values, in               higher radiation dose. ▰
                                 particular, can be individually adjusted and
                                 reduced for each patient, as it is required                  Prof. Dr. Bumann states that he has not received any
                                 according to all international scientific                    financial reward or other benefit for this interview.
                                 guidelines. Therefore, it is possible to further

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