Page 21 - PlanWorld_1_2015_EN_high_0215
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In most cases, the STL data can also      work with their labs, all of the patient    simple push of a button is now possible
be utilised by the lab to create the final    information needed to produce a             with Planmeca Romexis® software and
surgical guide for placing the implant        model-less restoration can be submitted     Planmeca Romexis® Cloud.
with unparalleled accuracy and speed.         digitally to a dental laboratory. At the
Temporary and final restorative crowns        same time, clinicians enter the patient’s   Maximising practice profitability with
can be milled in-office in a matter of        information and prescription data           open architecture
minutes or milled by a lab in as little as    into their digital impression system’s      Data standardisation is essential to
24 hours. Planmeca’s imaging and CAD/         software prior to submitting each case.     driving down costs for patients, doctors
CAM technology have captured this             Because the Planmeca PlanScan system        and laboratories alike by establishing
concept with the Planmeca ProMax® 3D          is an open system and the dental team       interoperability between intraoral
family of imaging units and the Planmeca      can send the file in a standard DICOM       scanners, CAD/CAM software and other
PlanScan® and Planmeca PlanMill®              format, exchanging patient data is          dental systems. Ultimately, having
systems, offering doctors the ability to      easy between most systems through           a common standard that allows the
acquire a data set with more detail than      Planmeca Romexis® software.                 disparate systems used in dental care to
ever.                                                                                     function as plug-and-play devices rather
                                              Bringing today’s dental practice up         than requiring pricy IT solutions will
Streamlining the digital workflow             to speed with Planmeca Romexis®             reduce the costs of integrating these new
Digital dentistry is streamlining virtually   software and cloud service                  technologies into dental practices and
every aspect of the restorative workflow.     While digital impression systems are        maximise the ROI of the equipment.
Traditionally, doctors submit a physical      realising a data standardisation solution,
impression to the lab with the prescrip-      the digital X-ray, practice management,         Planmeca’s CBCT and CAD/CAM
tion and instructions written out on          cone-beam computed tomography               imaging systems, along with Planmeca
paper. This is gradually ceding ground        (CBCT) and digital treatment-planning       Romexis digital treatment planning
to an entirely digital process where          systems found in today’s dental practice    software, are using this idea to improve
the patient’s information and doctor’s        require the same sort of attention.         the efficiency, predictability and cost-
instructions are sent to the lab electroni-   Because these systems lack interoper-       effectiveness of dental restorations,
cally via a digital impression system.        ability, they are unable to efficiently     making chairside dentistry a lucrative
                                              communicate patient data and reach          investment for dentists who wish to grow
    Planmeca PlanScan restorations can        their true potential.                       their practice and offer patients the latest
be delivered mere days after the labora-                                                  in same-day technology. ▰
tory receives the patient’s intraoral scans,      To truly maximise the efficiencies
while the Planmeca PlanMill 40 in-office      and cost savings offered by these
milling unit is making same-day dentistry     technologies, interoperability is impera-
a reality. The restorations produced          tive among these dental systems that
by the PlanScan restorative system,           are becoming increasingly common
along with the combining of the digital       in today’s dental practice. As clinicians
impression with CBCT scans, reduce the        demand data standardisation, the
costs and treatment time associated with      transfer of the patient’s information,
replacing a tooth, increasing the demand      X-rays, CBCT scans, digital impressions
for digital dentistry exponentially.          and prescription data between the
                                              dental office and the dental lab with the
    For those who want to continue to

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