Page 25 - PlanWorld_1_2015_EN_high_0215
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Harri Lahti scans the teeth efficiently, with digital
impressions immediately transferring to
the Planmeca PlanCAD® Easy design software.

Planmeca CAD/CAM chairside                             Impressed patients                         be seen from a chairside tablet device.
– from intraoral scanning to                           The clinic’s CAD/CAM work has made         Planmeca PlanScan has been designed for
high-precision milling                                 a great impression on Lahti’s patients.    an efficient workflow, as it can be shared
Lahti had decided that he wanted a                     “They have been astonished. I have often   between different users and treatment
full CAD/CAM solution – the Planmeca                   taken the extra time to show patients      rooms and used just like any other dental
PlanScan® intraoral scanner, Planmeca                  the images of their scanned teeth. They    instrument.
PlanCAD® Easy design software and the                  have been impressed by the efficiency
Planmeca PlanMill® 40 milling unit. He                 of the workflow. Word of mouth is really       A functional CAD/CAM system has
had previous CAD/CAM experience, so he                 the best marketing I can get – patients    also allowed Lahti’s clinic to optimise its
knew the principle behind the system.                  telling their friends about the dentist    workflow and distribution of work. “Our
                                                       who designed their tooth with a            dental hygienist Marjut Komulainen
    A CAD/CAM system enables faster                    computer”, Lahti laughs.                   has regularly worked on e-max and
and more efficient treatments, ultimately                                                         empress fillings, while dental assistant
saving patients’ time. “Same-day dentistry                 Lahti has also been very pleased with  Piia Hernesniemi has been learning the
eliminates the need for temporary                      the Planmeca CAD/CAM™ Chairside            intricacies of scanning. This enables us to
solutions, as it is possible to install an             concept. In particular, he is fond of the  improve our efficiency, as I can utilize the
implant only a few hours after scanning                Planmeca PlanMill 40 high precision        extra time by treating patients in another
and prepping a tooth.”                                 milling unit, which mills materials        room”, Lahti states happily. ▰
                                                       according to their properties – delicate
    Lahti considers the biggest advantage              materials are handled carefully and
of a smooth CAD/CAM workflow to be that                resilient materials more briskly. “Many
it makes possible high-quality results that            people have commented on how great
are also cost-efficient. “There haven’t been           it is that a competitive option for CAD/
any problems with the implants – they                  CAM is finally available.”
have all fit very nicely”, Lahti recounts. He
has so far designed and milled smaller                     The Planmeca PlanScan® intraoral
dental restorations at his clinic, while               scanner can now be integrated with
ordering removable prostheses, implants                Planmeca’s digital dental units. This
and crowns from dental laboratories.                   eliminates the need for a laptop in the
“Having different systems benefits                     scanning process, as the scanner can be
patients. I have always recommended our                directly connected to the dental unit.
CAD/CAM solution when appropriate.”                    The scanning data can now immediately

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