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Planmeca broadens its scope

    to the field of educational business


    NIDE – the Nordic Institute of Dental Education – is a joint venture company                of our curriculum”, Pajunen summarises.
    Planmeca founded together with the University of Turku. It has been the                     “We also want to build on the strengths of
    logical next step in Planmeca’s close and decades-long collaboration with                   Finland as an exotic travel destination that
    the university world. Utilising Planmeca’s technological innovations, as                    has a lot to offer to visitors. This includes
    well as the University of Turku’s strong academic pedigree, NIDE offers                     its clean nature with excellent conditions
    continued education courses to international dental professionals looking                   for adventure travel, functional cities, a
    to strengthen their expertise.                                                              vibrant design and culture scene, and
                                                                                                great connections to reach St. Petersburg
    Collaboration between the                      take place. After establishing the needed    and other capitals of the Baltic Sea region”.IMAGE Juha Kienanen
                 public and private sector can be  infrastructure, NIDE’s first courses are
                 notoriously tricky and challeng-  now ready to take place. More course         Putting Finnish dental expertise
                 ing. However, when carried out    options could be introduced as soon as       on the map
     carefully and open-mindedly, it can lead      the fall of 2015, as the company continues   NIDE has utilised expertise from both
     to outstanding results otherwise difficult    to communicate with its stakeholders to      home and abroad in moulding its course
     to reach. With the Nordic Institute of        develop its course offerings.                offering. “Finland has knowledgeable
     Dental Education, Planmeca and the                                                         experts, but seeing as our country is
     University of Turku have taken a brave            “Instead of providing rigid one-size-    rather small and NIDE is an international
     step that promises to be fruitful. Founded    fits-all solutions, we want to identify      company, we want to branch out and
     in the summer of 2014, NIDE has already       groups who we can offer tailored courses     benefit from foreign expertise as well.”
     shown great potential.                        to”, Pajunen reveals. “We continue to take
                                                   feedback into account when planning              Lecturers for NIDE courses are recruited
         “The Nordic Institute of Dental           unique educational concepts to offer to      in collaboration with the University
     Education is in a prime position to           different markets.”                          of Turku and Planmeca. “We have an
     provide value to both Planmeca and                                                         extensive network of contacts that has
     the University of Turku – and most                NIDE has been received very positively   been formed through organising events,
     importantly, our clients”, states Ms Jenni    and has already generated much interest.     as well as working closely together with
     Pajunen, CEO of NIDE. “Our first courses      The company has ambitious aspirations.       universities and professors”, Pajunen tells.
     are organised this spring.”                   “In addition to being an important part      “Of course, bookings must be made well in
                                                   of Planmeca’s educational business, we       advance, as the best lecturers tend to be
     Sky-high goals                                are aiming to become a leading company       very busy.”
     Pajunen has been running the company          offering Finnish dental expertise”,
     since its inception last summer. The          Pajunen states.                                          Ms. Jenni Pajunen,
     process has been more akin to a                                                                        CEO of NIDE
     marathon than a sprint, as the field of           The goal is not far-fetched. Planmeca
     educational business is very competitive      can supply NIDE with market-leading
     and newcomers have to patiently build         dental technology, as well as expertise
     from the ground up. Acquiring world-          to match it. In addition to acclaimed
     class lecturers and attracting participants   lecturers from the academic and clinical
     to courses does not happen overnight – it     worlds, NIDE is going to utilise Planmeca’s
     requires extensive background work to         in-house talent in some of its courses.
                                                   “We can provide a rare blend of cutting-
                                                   edge technology and expertise as a part

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