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Planmeca News
Planmeca expands
into the veterinary and medical
technology businesses
To continue our expansion in the and lasting product design for medical
healthcare technology market, we needs. I am certain that this is a way for
are now pleased to offer products us to differentiate ourselves from our
also to veterinary and medical competitors”, Varjonen says.
customers. Many of our familiar
solutions are already in use at For the veterinary market, Planmeca
veterinary and medical clinics and offers a new high standard of care.
hospitals worldwide. This includes e.g. a CBCT 3D imaging
solution, software, the cart version of
“We have a lot of potential and expertise the Planmeca Compact™ i dental unit,
at Planmeca that can be utilized in intraoral X-ray solutions, and instruments.
the medical and veterinary markets. “Veterinary care, including dental care, is
Many of our products already exceed growing all over the world, as people are
traditional dental imaging: for example, investing more and more in the wellbeing
the Planmeca Promax® 3D Mid and Max of their pets. As is the Planmeca standard,
X-ray devices are used for head and neck our products provide a smooth workflow
radiology, including the imaging of ears, with excellent image quality for dentists,
nose, throat, and the upper part of the veterinarians, as well as medical doctors.”
cervical spine”, says Ms. Mari Varjonen,
Director of Medical Imaging at Planmeca. Varjonen praises Planmeca’s profi-
ciency in CBCT solutions. “Planmeca is
In addition to head and neck radiology, the world’s best CBCT provider. We have
Planmeca’s offering for the medical the whole package: expertise in software
market includes the orthopaedic CBCT development, algorithms, mechanical
imaging solution Planmeca Xtremity™, engineering, and so on. We are one of
the Planmeca Romexis® imaging the world’s leading dental equipment
software, as well as patient-specific manufacturers, and now we can use our
Planmeca ProModel™ 3D implants for knowledge in other fields too.”
maxillofacial surgery. “We want to offer
the best possible usability, excellent The Planmeca product portfolio will
diagnostic image quality with a low dose, be further developed to answer the needs
of medical and veterinary professionals
in the best way. We are also currently
expanding our dealer network for our
new market segments. ▰
Check out our new websites for
Planmeca veterinary and
medical solutions: