Page 26 - PlanWorld_1_2015_EN_high_0215
P. 26
References: Europe
Crisp images of the upper neck
with Planmeca’s CBCT device
A few years ago, Seppo Villanen,
a Finnish physiatrist specialised
in pain management, visited
Planmeca’s stand at the Finnish
Medical Convention and saw a
CBCT image of a patient with an
obvious sequela of a fracture in the
neck area. This gave him the idea
of using a dental 3D X-ray imaging
device for imaging patients with
neck problems. The idea turned
out to be a success, and nearly 30
patients have now been imaged
in cooperation with Pantomo Oy,
a company offering dental X-ray
imaging services.
Seppo Villanen, Specialist in physical medicine and pain treatment (on the right)
and Radiologist Raija Mikkonen.
Seppo Villanen has his practice In most cases, CBCT imaging is done Moreover, the method produces very
at medical center Mehiläinen, to support MRI imaging, since the thin slices, with feasible thicknesses of
which is located in the Helsinki methods complement each other. In 0.1 to 0.2mm. In hospitals, CT scans for
Metropolitan Area. The patients some cases, however, a CBCT scan is all traumas are usually performed with a
he has referred for a CBCT (cone beam that is needed:“It does not provide an slice thickness of 2mm, and MRI scans
computed tomography) examination insight to soft tissues, but if the image are sometimes performed with a slice
have mostly been patients suffering is sufficient to provide an answer to the thickness of up to 5mm.
from pain in the upper neck. “During a current question, other methods are not
routine MRI scan of the neck, the upper needed.” “The thinner the slice, the more reliable
neck is usually left outside the image, it is when you are studying small things”,
since the scan acquires transverse “One of the many benefits says Villanen. “Thin slices have a better
slices from the C3 vertebra downwards. of CBCT imaging is the low resolution and afford better measurments.
What’s more, a regular X-ray examina- radiation dose compared to A 2mm slice does reveal large fractures,
tion of the neck is routinely performed e.g. a traditional CT scan.” but small avulsion fractures might remain
in a manner that also leaves the upper undetected.”
neck outside the image. CBCT imaging, Conversely, bony structures do not
on the other hand, covers the entire show up well in MRI images, and small Furthermore, a CBCT scan can be
upper neck, from the base of the skull to bones can be easily confused with scar post-processed to include all required slice
the C4 vertebra, which is precisely the tissue. In a CBCT image, even small thicknesses. “They can also be acquired in
area that is often missing from routine changes in the bone are plainly visible”, a high resolution CT scan, but that would
studies.” describes Mikkonen. produce an even higher radiation dose”,
describes Mikkonen.
Villanen’s neck patients are sent to Thin slices, low radiation doses and
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Center a natural head position Also the patient position is better in
Pantomo Oy for imaging with Planmeca One of the many benefits of CBCT a CBCT scan than in a CT scan. A CT scan
ProMax® 3D, and the images are inter- imaging is the low radiation dose is acquired with the patient lying down,
preted by radiologist Raija Mikkonen. compared to a traditional CT scan. whereas in a CBCT scan, the patient is
“We have cooperated with Raija for sitting up, allowing a more natural head
years”, says Villanen. position. “In a lying position, the load
experienced by the head is not completely
natural. All in all, radiologists should make