Page 16 - PlanWorld_2011_en_high
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What lies behind the design award success?

                                                               Planmeca has received several
                                                               design awards over the recent years
                                                               for its dental and X-ray units for
                                                               their excellent ergonomics and clean,
                                                               approachable, inviting design.
                                                               But what is the secret behind
                                                               the design award success?


16 lanmeca’s industrial design manager is that they are responsible of the final                                  2010

    PMr Kari Malmén considers the design execution of the product. This way they can                              09

        09awards as the result and a recognition for make necessary changes even at a rela­tively           member
            long-term committed work and successful late stage in case something goes wrong. This
            cooperation for the whole Planmeca crew. allows the designers to make improvements
“The design concept requires a lot of time and polish the product until the last moment.
to stew and develop. The cycle of products   “With outside designers the final
is quite infrequent and launching of a responsibility of the product is more or less
new product will take several years. There   left to the customer. The outside consultants
is no shortcut to happiness but a lot of     might not even be in the country any longer           The design awards
determined work is required”, Malmén says.   when the product is launched. We have a               Planmeca has received
                                             different way of seeing the projects through,”        over the recent years:
   Exceptional among its peers, Planmeca
has since the beginning hired its own says Mr Tero Pihlajamäki, user interface
designers as permanent employees. Thus, designer.                                                  Red dot design award 2009, Germany
                                             Mr Jouko Nykänen, Director of Export
the company undoubtedly has deeper                                                                 Planmeca ProOne, Planmeca Sovereign

know­ledge in the design than those using Sales, considers the awards as important                 Fennia Prize 2009,
consultants. According to Malmén the milestones and acknowledgements for
designers are an integral part of the product Planmeca. For sales and marketing team, the          Honorary mention, Finland

development.                                 awards give added confidence and pride for            Planmeca ProOne, Planmeca Sovereign

The comprehensive design perspective is the products.                                              if product design award 2008,
extremely important. An outsider designer    The awards also support strongly the
would not be capable of considering and company’s  principle that every aspect or                  Germany

absorbing all the different issues which have feature of the product should carry a true           Planmeca ProOne

to be solved during the design process.      benefit for the users, making their life and          if design award china 2007,
“Teaching a person our ways – what the work safer, easier and more efficient.
most essential things to us are and what we  “In a way, the design  awards  are also               Top Selection, China

want the end result to look like – would sort of quality certificates, confirming that             Planmeca Sovereign

also require intensive training,” he describes the comprehensive set of features and               if design award china 2007,
emphasising the importance of using technology, as well as the vision behind the
in-house designers.                          product, has something profoundly unique              Honourable Mention, China

Another advantage of in-house designers and beneficial,” he summarises.                            Planmeca ProOne
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