Page 39 - PlanWorld_2019_EN
P. 39

About the author
                                                                               Dr. Kirill Kostin graduated from
                                                                               Saint  Petersburg  State  Medical
                           20                                                  University in Russia in 2004. He
                                                                               became the co-founder of  the
                                                                               PerfectSmile dental clinic and
                                                                               dental study centre in 2014. At
         Fig. 20. & 21. Final restorations:
         Zirconium abutment screw with                                         his clinic in Saint Petersburg, Dr.
         a ceramic facing and a fully anatomi-                                 Kostin runs a private practice
         cal Empress crown.                                                    concentrating on the aesthetic
                                                                               and functional rehabilitation of
                                             21                                natural dentition and implants,
                                                                               applying various digital instru-
                                                                               ments as part of restorative
                                                                               procedures (digital smile design,
                                                                               intraoral scanning, CAD/CAM
                                                                               milling, 3D printing, and guided
                                                                               surgical procedures). Using a
                                                                               dental microscope on a daily basis,
                           22                                                  Dr. Kostin focuses on minimally
                                                                               invasive restorative procedures
                                                                               with direct and indirect restora-
                                                                               tions. This particular case Kostin
                                                                               performed together with his col-
                                                                               leagues Dr. M.A Erohin, Dr. O.Yu
                                                                               Ponomarev and Dr. M.V. Kozhevin.


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