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Meet the Planmeca
ProModel™ team
The Planmeca ProModel™ service has provided 3D
surgery planning, patient specific implants, surgical guides
and anatomical models since 2009. Meet our experienced
and customer-oriented team of medical engineers – we’re
here to help you achieve the best possible surgical results.
Jani Horelli
Design Manager, M.Sc. (Tech.)
“As a leader for the Planmeca absolute professionals and to design
ProModel team, my days consist and manufacture top-of-the-range
mostly of developing our service products. Linking engineering and
and working on various cooperation medicine brings added value and
projects with customers and meaningfulness to what I do.
stakeholders. The field of medical
engineering is changing rapidly and A satisfied customer is the best
as a global company, Planmeca is able reward I can get for my work.
to spot new trends as they emerge. Knowing that our service can improve
I’m proud to be part of a team of a patient’s quality of life is a very
important thing for me personally.”
Alexander Brink
Biomechanical Designer,
M.Sc. (Tech.), Master of Arts
Tomas Feiring “As a designer and engineer, I’m
fascinated by both the technical
Biomechanical Designer, and artistic aspects of my job.
M.Sc. (Tech.) I want the implants that I design to
look beautiful, even though they
“My typical workday consists of won’t be visible from the outside.
viewing X-ray images, preparing 3D Functionality is what determines
models for our online meetings with the form of our products – our goal is
surgeons, planning operations virtually reached when the implant functions
in 3D according to the surgeon’s as intended.
instructions, and designing and
manufacturing implants and surgical Aesthetics and functionality walk
guides. hand in hand. Highly functional
products can only be produced with
It is a multidisciplinary job, and great care, and once this has been
the best thing is being able to carry done, they automatically become
out the entire workflow of patient beautiful. In each project, I work in
case planning from start to finish. I close cooperation with the operating
get to work in close cooperation with surgeon. The surgeon makes the
surgeons and can always count on our clinical decisions, while I’m in charge of
close-knit team for support.” designing the patient specific implant.
Communication is the key to making
the right design decisions."