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Company News

Finland’s CTOs of the year

Planmeca's Vesa Varjonen honoured

Vesa Varjonen, Vice President of Research and Technology                         EXPORTING FINNISH HEALTHCARE
at Planmeca and Matti Heikkilä, CTO of MetGen have been chosen as                TECHNOLOGY GLOBALLY:
CTOs of the Year 2018. The jury consisting of leading Finnish technology         PLANMECA
influencers emphasized the significant role of the awarded CTOS on               Planmeca, founded in 1971, is one of
renewal of the industry. The CTO of the Year Awards are given by                 the world’s leading producers of dental
Spinverse together with Technology Industries of Finland and Business            equipment, with products distributed
Finland to highlight the importance of Chief Technology Officers work            in over 120 countries worldwide. As an
on the future competitiveness of Finnish industries.                             R&D intensive healthcare technology
                                                                                 company dynamically developing
THE CTO of the year award has been      businesses. Planmeca and MetGen          the world’s leading technologies
given to the selected CTOs in Finland   are prime examples of these: through     it serves as a role model for the
since 2011. This year, the winners      systematic investments in R&D and        renewal of the Finnish manufacturing
were celebrated at the CTO Forum        exploitation of digitalization Planmeca  industry. “As a company, Planmeca
and CTO Awards Gala at Restaurant       has created innovations that have        is never ’ready’ nor do our products
Palace, Helsinki on March 19th. The     renewed the whole sector. MetGen in      ever stop developing. Without this
emphasis for deciding the winners       turn has had the courage to develop      mentality innovation in the company
for 2018 was on companies that          a completely new technology for          would die”, says the founder and
have renewed the Finnish industry       global markets and has been able to      CEO of Planmeca, Heikki Kyöstilä.
with the actions. “Finnish industry is  build an impressive partner network”,    The healthcare technology sector is
experiencing strong transformation      describes the Chairperson of the         growing in Finland and most of its
and on the other hand SMEs have got     Jury, Laura Juvonen of Technology        turnover comes from exports.
an important role in boosting new       Industries of Finland.
                                                                                     Vesa Varjonen has worked in
                                                                                 various roles in medical imaging
                                                                                 for over 25 years. He has worked at

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