Page 39 - PlanWorld_2019_IDS_EN_high
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THE KEY ADVANTAGES OF DTS™                                                                             NEW!

The DTS™ software provides easy analytical reports about
the items and activity cycles registered in the system.
The information in the reports can improve and ease
asset management and documentation, and most
importantly increase cost efficiency and patient safety.

PATIENT SAFETY AND INFECTION                                                                           The new DTS™ compatible LM-Servo E cassettes are designed
CONTROL DOCUMENTATION                                                                                  to improve traceability and safety. An advanced RFID chip can
                                                                                                       be integrated into the cassette to ensure full traceability in
The server knows the status of each article and allows the clinician to                                maintenance and clinical care. The cassettes are also equipped
automatically double check that expiry dates have not lapsed and that                                  with protective safety shields to prevent sharp injuries.
instruments have passed the proper reprocessing steps, inspections, and
validations. The database includes the records for the specified disinfection,
maintenance, and sterilisation procedures and includes the detailed history of
every instrument and material. Reducing risks through automatic checks and
alerts adds an additional layer of safety without cumbersome manual work.


Costs related to logistics and material handling account for approximately
30% of the total operating expenses of health care providers*. LM Dental
Tracking System provides the possibility to track the flows of both single
use materials and instrumentation throughout the clinic, as well as
the decontamination and sterilisation room or central sterile services department
(CSSD). Key performance indicators are defined e.g. based on the existing quality
system or standard operating procedures. The big amount of data made available
by LM Dental Tracking System makes it possible to benchmark the best practices,
analyse and optimise process workflows, and systematically strive for continuous

•	 Avoid time-consuming manual  •	 Ease consumption recording
                                •	 Find out indications of demand
   controls                     •	 Improve time management
•	 Optimise stock               •	 Enhance patient session planning
•	 Improve material flow        •	 Decrease losses
•	 Reduce number of lost items

*[Nachtmann] Nachtmann, H., & Pohl, E. A. (2009). The state of healthcare logistics: cost and quality
improvement opportunities. Center for Innovation in Healthcare Logistics, University of Arkansas


Technology offers new possibilities to support learning and to validate
competences in dental education. LM Dental Tracking System can e.g. be setup
to document the instruments and materials used in preclinical exercises by
each student. Misunderstandings, for example regarding which instruments or
materials to use in a certain phase of a restorative procedure, can be identified
and rectified without delay. Proof of competence or learning of e.g. a specific
procedure can be validated and documented. In the preclinical laboratory,
reprocessing steps can be simulated or validated depending on the setup and

ASSET MANAGEMENT                                                                                       HOW MUCH
Having the right instruments and materials in the right place at the right time is                     YOU PROFIT
crucial at large hospitals as well as small clinics. Having knowledge of the exact                     USING DTS™?
location and status of each instrument, handpiece, and material allows for
efficient daily planning and long term budgeting. Locating misplaced instruments                       Calculate at
or balancing uneven inventory levels between rooms or departments is easy with               
the cloud-based LM Dental Tracking System. Personal accountability through
RFID identification of instrumentation reduces loss of assets.

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