Page 6 - PlanWorld_2021
P. 6
Product News
Planmeca Romexis® 6
– the new version of the world-leading software
The entirely redesigned version of Planmeca’s integrated 4K cameras allows you to take both premium-quality
groundbreaking all-in-one software, Planmeca still images and videos, bringing completely new dimensions to
Romexis®, introduces an enhanced user patient education, consultation with colleagues and treatment
interface with superior usability as well as a documentation.
wide selection of new tools and features.
The Romexis® CMF Surgery module enables fully digital
THE Planmeca Romexis® 6 software platform supports the most orthognathic surgery planning, splint design and soft tissue
versatile range of imaging modalities – from 2D and 3D imaging simulation. The Romexis® Implant Guide module has been
to CAD/CAM. The single software provides an all-in-one solution upgraded with a virtual tooth extraction feature, and the
for all specialities and for clinics of all sizes. Version 6 features a Romexis® Smile Design module with AI-based automatic image
modern look and feel that highlights usability. The easy navigation cropping and orientation as well as improved photorealistic
with fewer clicks and a customisable user interface streamline simulations. The unique Romexis® Dental PACS module allows
the workflow. In addition, Romexis 6 introduces flexible workflow using Romexis as device-independent image archive with full
wizards that make using the software easy and enjoyable from treatment planning features and increases support for multi-site
day one. clinic operations.
The new software version erases the border between 2D and “The Romexis software is a perfect companion to Planmeca’s
3D imaging by introducing a unified image browser for all types equipment, providing the smoothest workflow for image
of patient images, including 2D and 3D x-rays, photos, 3D photos, acquisition, diagnosis and treatment planning. As an open
intraoral scans, CAD/CAM cases and even videos. Moreover, software platform, Romexis is also capable of storing and viewing
any type of image capturing or scanning can be started from images from 3rd party devices, which means unforeseen flexibility
the same view with simply one click. Romexis 6 also makes the and freedom. With a new, beautiful user interface and improved
importing and exporting of all types of data incredibly effortless. usability, working with Romexis 6 is enjoyable – it simply makes
your work flow,” states Helianna Puhlin-Nurminen, Vice President
Romexis 6 brings several improvements and additions to the of Digital Imaging and Applications at Planmeca. ◢
tool selection. The 2D study templates have been redesigned,
making them easier to manage. The dual-screen viewing of 2D
images with 3D images is now possible with detachable image
pop-up windows. Furthermore, Romexis 6 is designed to work
with Planmeca Solanna™ Vision. The operating light with