Page 21 - Seafarers_pension_fund_annual_and_sustainability_report_2023
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Future Outlook
In the early part of the year, we have successfully team. Consistent with our strategy, we invest in ”Consistent with our strategy,
adjusted the structure of the investment portfolio our customers, and as part of this, we are prepar- we invest in our customers, and
towards our long-term goal. As the proportion of ing a data management and artificial intelligence as part of this, we are preparing
liquid investments increases, it enables changes strategy to achieve an even better customer ex-
to the portfolio structure even in the short term perience in the future. However, we ensure that a data management and
if needed. Although the proportion of domestic everything is done securely, and data protection artificial intelligence strategy
real estate investments remains high compared is never compromised. So, significant changes in
to others, we believe their values decreased dur- this regard will only be visible in the longer term, to achieve an even better
ing 2022–2023, and the trend is slightly upward but we see opportunities even in the short term, customer experience
over the long term as interest rates and real es- for example, in developing communication. in the future.”
tate yield requirements decline.
We continuously work towards ensuring in-
For Finland, it is essential to ensure our mar- creasingly responsible operations. The most
itime industry and thus our security of supply. significant outwardly visible change will be the
We are confident that this need is widely under- audited sustainability reporting of investments
stood. The biggest question relates to whether a starting from 2026, for which we will initially
competitive ship financing model can be created conduct a comprehensive materiality assessment,
for us, which would enhance the attractiveness of i.e., determining which factors are essential for
the Finnish flag as a ship registration country. A us to report. We have begun this preparation,
potential increase in risk levels in the Baltic Sea and the goal is to gather benchmark data start-
could have significant impacts on our revenue. ing from 2025. This year, we will also update
our sustainability aims and refine our long-term
In recent years, we have renewed our systems goals.
and processes and acquired new skills within our
Seafarers’ Pension Fund | Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 21