Page 16 - Seafarers_pension_fund_annual_and_sustainability_report_2023
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E | Environment
Case: Our Forest Assets
Are Managed Sustainably
The Seafarers’ Pension Fund’s own forest fund, recommendations as well as the requirements of PEFC
Forest Holding Finland Ky, owns approximate- and FSC certifications. The forest management strate-
ly 25,414 hectares of forest land in Finland. The gy also emphasizes the diverse recreational use of for-
total volume of standing timber on the forest estates ests according to the age and stage of management.
is approximately 2.9 million cubic meters. 100% of the
forest area is PEFC certified, and 43% is FSC certified. In February 2023, we established a nature reserve
area called Korpelanmetsä, covering approximate-
The Seafarers’ Pension Fund manages its forest ly 19.15 hectares, as part of the METSO program in
assets sustainably. The carbon sequestration of forests Salo, along Highway 52 between Salo and Somero.
is directly related to forest growth; the more forests The target is rare in southern Finland: it is a natural,
grow, the more carbon dioxide they absorb from the spruce-dominated mixed forest with abundant dead-
air, acting as carbon sinks. Ensuring the health of for- wood. The tree species in the area are highly diverse,
est growth is fundamental to increasing carbon sinks. including spruces, Scots pines with old scaly bark,
For the Seafarers’ Pension Fund’s forests, regenera- some sturdy aspens, and alders. The total area of pro-
tion has been done quickly and with high quality, and tected forest areas in the Seafarers’ Pension Fund’s
tending has been conducted on time. Thinning of the forests is approximately 1,446 hectares.
forests has been conducted following forest manage-
ment recommendations, ensuring that biomass acting The carbon impact of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund’s
as a sink is not removed excessively. The Seafarers’ forests in 2023 was approximately 89,597 tCO2eq. This
Pension Fund’s forest management strategy covers is equivalent to the annual emissions of approximately
actions for the entire rotation period of the forests. 50,090 passenger cars using internal combustion en-
Forest management adheres to Tapio’s good forestry gines.
Photo: AARI Metsä/Conifer Consulting
Seafarers’ Pension Fund | Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 16