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Annual Report of the Board

Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report

   Technical provisions                                   same level as the contributions payable under the Employees Pensions
                                                          Act (TyEL). The contribution percentage for shipping companies as
     MEUR                  972  992 1,056.6               employers is determined by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,
   1,000                                                  upon the proposal of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund. The insurance
           866  897                                       contribution for 2021 was 11.4%, as it was the previous year as well.
                                                             In 2021, the percentages for MEL contributions paid by seafarers
   800                                                    were 7.15% for employees under 53 years and over 62 years, and 8.65%
                                                          for those aged 53–62 years.
                                                             The following table shows the development of the contributions
   600                                                    payable by employers.




   200                                                    Year             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

   100                                                    Shipowner
                                                          employer’s MEL
   0                                                      contribution, %  16.70 15.40 13.20 12.80  11.40 11.40  11.40
            2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

   Solvency capital and its limits                        In 2021, the government share decreased to 29% of the pension
                                                          expenditure instead of 31%, as seen earlier. In 2021, the State provided
Solvency capital, MEUR                                    EUR 57.1 million for the payment of MEL pensions.

800 3.23 220                                                 The Fund met with shipping companies at shipping company events
                                                   687.7  that were arranged primarily as virtual events. The events focused on
                                                          introductions to the activities of the shipping companies and provided
600 194.4 200                                             the Fund with an opportunity to tell about our activities and services as
                                                          well as to discuss information concerning the insuring process.


400 180                                                   In 2021, a total of 562 decisions were issued concerning a pension
                                                          or benefit or amendments thereto. The number of decisions reduced
                                                   213.2  notably from the preceding year. The reduction was still caused by
200 160                                                   the COVID-19 situation and the resulting decline in the number of
                                                          pension applications for all pension and benefit categories other than
                                                          survivors’ pensions.

   0 140                                                                             2020           2021 Change
           2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
                                                                                       262           194 -68
                                Solvency ratio, %         Old-age pensions + early/
                                                          partial old-age pensions      42             35 -7
        Solvency capital                                  Rehabilitation benefit                      50
        Solvency limit                                    + disability pensions         82
        Solvency ratio                                    Rehabilitation/allowance/     76                           -32
        Solvency position                                 increment                                    91 15
                                                          Survivors’ pensions           113           88
                                                          Surviving spouse’s             16
                                                          continuing pensions           52                           -25
                                                          Funeral grants                97              2 -14
                                                          Other decisions             740              41 -11
                                                          Rejections                                   61 -36
                                                          Total                                      562 -178

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