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the greatest risk factors in terms of disability and mortality among                Annual Report of the Board
seafarers are their working conditions and lifestyle issues. Carried out
by the Rehabilitation Foundation, a more extensive study exploring the      Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report
mortality and disability among the working population in Finland until
the end of 2015 showed that mortality and disability still remain is at                                                         1111
a high level among seafarers. The research results were published in
early 2019. The underlying reasons still include working conditions and
lifestyle issues.

   During 2021, a co-operative project, ‘Hyvinvointia laivatyöhön’
(Well-being for those working on ships) was initiated together with the
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The purpose of the project is
to clarify the current state and development needs concerning health,
working conditions and occupational health co-operation within the
field of navigation. The research will be conducted by the Finnish
Institute of Occupational Health with the Seafarers’ Pension Fund as
partial financier and chair of the steering group.

   Within the ForMare well-being at work programme, the activities
were targeted specifically for those seafarers whose work ability is
most threatened by their habitual physical activities, diet and lifestyle.
The revised ForMare 2.0 programme has been implemented despite
the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, albeit with fewer
participants. In 2021, the programme was further developed through
collaboration within the steering group.

   To promote seafarers’ mental well-being and the management of
their psychosocial loading, the Fund annually supports the work of the
Ship Curators of the Finnish Seamen’s Mission.

   Onboard management is one factor that is driving employees out of
onboard work. The onboard management coaching programme, which
started on the basis of an initiative put forth by the Seafarers’ Pension
Fund, has continued, primarily as remote coaching, with two coaching
groups. In 2021, development activities continued for a collaboration
model with different institutions providing maritime education with
the intention to incorporate coaching contents into their curricula. The
coaching is based on the deep leadership model and its purpose is to
improve onboard management. The steering group of the programme
has representatives from the Seafarers’ Pension Fund, shipowners,
maritime labour market organisations, the Finnish Seamen’s Mission
and Deep Lead Inc., the provider of coaching and producer of the
overall programme itself.

   The provision of seafarers’ occupational health care and promotion
of well-being at work activities continued with the private medical care
provider Mehiläinen Oy (Liikenne Mehiläinen). Mehiläinen is also
represented in the ForMare steering group.

   A well-being at work (TyHy) extranet service to promote well-being
at work activities and management was opened for shipping companies
as employers. The login user names and passwords are the same as for
the Ankkuri service. The shipping companies as employers decide who
shall receive access rights.

   In 2021, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund used a total of EUR 110,762 for
activities related to disability risk management.
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