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Annual Report of the Board

                                                                              Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report

   As of January 2022, the Executive Group is comprised of Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) Jari Puhakka, Director (CCO) and substitute
for the CEO Marina Paulaharju, Director and Chief Investment Officer
(CIO) Sauli Hämäläinen, and Director (COO) Päivi Särkiniemi.

Operating Expenses

The total operating expenses were EUR 5.8 million, representing an
increase of EUR 0.4 million from the year 2020. The expenses for claims
handling, including the costs for disability risk management, amounted
to EUR 1.7 million, operating costs were EUR 1.8 million and costs for
investment activities were EUR 2.3 million.


The Seafarers’ Pension Fund seeks to operate responsibly in terms of
the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors. Of the UN
Sustainable Development Goals, the Board of the Fund has selected five
goals as follows:
•	 Good health and well-being
•	 Decent work and economic growth
•	 Responsible consumption and production
•	 Climate action
•	 Peace, justice and strong institutions.

These goals are manifest in the investments in our customers and
personnel as well as in the focuses of investment activities.

   The aim to reduce the carbon footprint concerns the Fund’s
investments across the board, with the intention to contribute to
the realisation of the 2 degree scenario of the Paris Agreement. The
investment activities are also guided by the UN Global Compact Initiative,
and the Fund avoids investing in the following types of investments.
•	 ESG ratings: investments in companies with the poorest rating
•	 Product-based exclusions: investments in companies that manufacture

    weapons of mass destruction or tobacco products or whose coal
    intensity is high
•	 Operations-based exclusions: investments in companies that violate
    international norms related to human rights, labour, environment
    and corruption.

In its investment activities, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund takes into
consideration the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force
(FATF) concerning international obligations to prevent money laundering
and terrorist financing, and also the financial sanctions imposed by the EU.

   In its annual report, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund reports on the
realisation of the responsible investing principles and ownership steering
within its own operations. We also draft a sustainability report, which

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