Page 19 - Seafarers---_Pension_Fund_Annual_Report_2021
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The Seafarers’ Pension Fund has provided the parties that will nominate                   Annual Report of the Board
new members for the Board and Delegation as well as the Ministry of
Social Affairs and Health that will appoint the members with guidelines              Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report
concerning the qualification requirements for potential members.
The new members have been provided with induction training on two                                                                        1199
occasions during the year, and the Financial Supervisory Authority has
been informed of the new members. The Board also implemented a self-
assessment and an evaluation of the state of internal control.

Composition of the Board 2021

Raija Volk, Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Vice Chair
Mikko Staff, Financial Director, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Hans Ahlström, Deputy CEO, Finnish Shipowners’ Association

  Deputy member, Jan Hanses, President and CEO, Viking Line Plc
Maija Mattila,​ Labour Law Attorney, Finnish Shipowners’ Association

  Deputy member, Katarina Hildén, Vice President, Bore Ltd
Kenneth Bondas, President, Finnish Seafarers’ Union FSU

  Deputy member, Sannaleena Kallio, Union Secretary, Finnish Seafarers’ Union FSU

Officers and Engineers’ Unions (membership in 2021)
Robert Nyman, Executive Manager, Finnish Engineers Association
Joachim Alatalo, Specialist, Finnish Engineers Association

  (right to be present and speak in 2021)
Johan Ramsland, Managing Director, Finnish Ship’s Officers’ Union
Kristian Heiskanen, Chairman of the Board, Finnish Ship’s Officers’ Union

During 2021, the Board of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund convened for a
total of 12 meetings and held a seminar to discuss forest investments.
The Delegation of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund held its ordinary meeting
on 13 April 2021 as a Teams meeting.

Auditing firm
At its meeting on 13 April 2021, the Delegation of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund
selected PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy (PwC) to serve as the auditing firm for the

Compliance function
In early 2021, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund enhanced its new website with the
addition of a Whistleblowing channel that would enable for the submission of
anonymous feedback if there is a suspicion that any activities of the Fund or its
subsidiaries violate the Pension Fund’s ethical principles.

During the year, one notification was made through the channel and the related
investigation found no reason to suspect any wrongdoing. Leading Legal Counsel
Leevi Sandberg serves as Compliance Officer for the Fund.

Internal audit
No internal audit was conducted during 2021, since the intention had been to
conduct an audit concerning data security and, despite the original timetable, the
Erasmus system wasn’t taken into use until 10 January 2022. Therefore, the internal
audit concerning data security was moved to 2022.
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