Page 16 - Seafarers---_Pension_Fund_Annual_Report_2021
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Annual Report of the Board                  provides additional information about our approach to responsibility
                                            and sustainability issues.
Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report
16                                          The data required for the responsibility analysis will be supplemented
                                            in part at a later time and will be included in the annual review. In
                                            practice, the analysis covers all investments with challenges still being
                                            presented by the different reporting methods for the different asset

                                            Listed investments
                                            The responsibility analysis includes liquid investments whose total
                                            market value is EUR 446.8 million. Of these, foreign fund investments
                                            total EUR 339.7 million and direct domestic equity investments total
                                            EUR 107.1 million.

                                               For the listed liquid investments, the ESG ratings are at a high level.
                                            The MSCI ESG rating is 8.2/10 (6.4 in 2020) with an ESG rating of AA
                                            (A in 2020). In the investment activities, particular attention has been
                                            paid to the responsibility of funds within their reference group. During
                                            2021, the equity index funds were replaced by ESG ETF funds and, in
                                            addition, two index funds follow Paris-aligned climate targets. We also
                                            added more impact investments to our portfolio and changed our active
                                            managers to those with a greater focus on ESG issues.

                                               In the portfolio, the proportion of investments in traditionally
                                            controversial industries is 2.5% (5.8% in 2020).

                                               At the end of 2021, the weighted average of total carbon risks (MSCI
                                            data) for the listed investments was 103.1 tonnes of CO2 equivalents**
                                            per USD million in revenue. The corresponding figure at the end of
                                            2020 was 165.0 tonnes, so the carbon footprint reduced by over one
                                            third in 2021.

                                            **	 A carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent is a measure used to describe the cli-
                                                 mate impact of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide equivalents are expressed
                                                 as masses (for example, tonnes per year) so that the global warming
                                                 potential (GWP) of other greenhouse gases is converted to correspond to
                                                 that of carbon dioxide.

                                            We have added more impact*** investments to the portfolio and the
                                            share of these types of investments is 7.4%. These investments focus
                                            on energy efficiency, the treatment of serious diseases, and alternative
                                            energy solutions.

                                            *** Impact tells how large a portion of the turnover of the companies owned
                                                 through the funds is derived from products or services that help solve
                                                 significant social or environmental challenges based on the UN Sustain-
                                                 able Development Goals (SDGs). The figure is calculated as a weighted
                                                 average of the corresponding figures for the funds in the portfolio. In order
                                                 for a company to contribute to the figure of the relevant fund, it must
                                                 meet the minimum ESG standards. Thus, those companies are excluded
                                                 that have serious ESG deficiencies, an ESG rating of CCC or B, direct in-
                                                 volvement in usury or controversial weapons, more than 5% of turnover
                                                 from conventional weapons, or more than 10% from alcohol or tobacco
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