Page 18 - Seafarers---_Pension_Fund_Annual_Report_2021
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Annual Report of the Board                  Responsible construction
                                            The new construction project in the Harppuunakortteli area in Turku
Seafarers’ Pension Fund 2021 Annual Report  is exceptional both in terms of its extent and technologies. Geothermal
                                            energy and solar energy are the main energy sources. Energy self-
18                                          sufficiency and ecological solutions have been considered from the start
                                            in the buildings’ technological and life-cycle planning. The solutions
                                            will translate into savings in housing costs. Our new construction
                                            projects in Tapiola, Espoo, also emphasised environmental and energy
                                            efficiency. For the building located at Länsituulentie 10, we attained the
                                            Gold level in the international LEED environmental certification.

                                            Private asset funds
                                            The Seafarers’ Pension Fund owns private asset funds (capital, loan,
                                            forest, infrastructure and real estate funds) totalling EUR 595.1 million.
                                            We have also initiated the development of responsibility reporting for
                                            these investments, and for the first round, the response rate was 65.1%.
                                            •	 Altogether 79.1% of the asset managers have signed
                                            	 the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
                                            •	 Altogether 60.5% of the asset managers drafted
                                            	 a sustainability report.

                                            Responsible personnel management
                                            Towards the end of 2021, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund had a model for
                                            responsible HR management completed on the basis of a Bachelor’s
                                            thesis in Economics. The HR management model is founded on
                                            Anna-Maija Lämsä’s (2018) relationship leadership theory, according
                                            to which the supervisor and employee affect leadership through
                                            their relationship and by serving as active promoters of inclusive,
                                            participatory leadership.


                                            The highest decision-making body of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund is its
                                            Delegation. By virtue of the Seafarer’s Pensions Act, the Delegation is
                                            appointed for a three-year period by the Ministry of Social Affairs and
                                            Health. The term of the prior Delegation started on 1 January 2019 and
                                            ended on 31 December 2021. The new Delegation initiated its activities
                                            on 1 January 2022.

                                            By virtue of the Seafarer’s Pensions Act (MEL), the Board of the
                                            Seafarers’ Pension Fund is appointed for a four-year term by the
                                            Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The term of the current Board
                                            started on 1 January 2018 and ended on 31 December 2021. The new
                                            Board initiated its activities on 1 January 2022.

                                               On the Board, the Chair and Vice Chair represent the State. The
                                            Board members represent the maritime employee unions and employer
                                            organisations. The Officers’ and Engineers’ Unions have, in alternate
                                            years, the right of membership or the right to be present and speak.
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