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Paediatric dentist and her small patients love
Planmeca Compact™ i

            “As a wife of a physiotherapist and as someone who is very aware of her      Features I love about the Planmeca Compact i:
            body, I love working with Planmeca Compact™ i. It has some great             •	 OPG children can see their parent during the film
            attributes for everyday practice but especially for children and special
            care patients. The option of entering the chair in a knee break position        (not facing a wall).
            instead of the more traditional position enables flexibility. The option of  •	 Ease of use and positioning.
            a very low entry position is great for my smaller patients, and important    •	 Easy manipulation of the image afterwards.  
            for reducing lifting as well as child independence issues. With a knee       •	 The chair can be adjusted low enough for most
            break chair I can also do standing wheel-chair transfers without having
            to lean awkwardly over the chair or around an armrest.                          5 year-olds and a stool can be used for those who
                                                                                            are too small.
                Small children can be easily positioned with or without the
            booster due to the chair design allowing great operator and assistant                             Dr Helen Cornwell
            positioning.  The child head positioning for comfort and angulation is                            BDS (Adel), MDSc (Melb), FRACDS
            the best that I have experienced.                                                                 Paediatric Dentist
                                                                                                              Conjoint Senior Lecturer (University of Newcastle)
                In the past I have had significant tendinosis so I am constantly aware
            of stress on my right wrist. The over-the-patient delivery is much easier
            on my wrist and it is also great for reducing the risk of grazing my arm
            on burs whilst using the bracket tray. Flexible bracket tray position
            again assists with ergonomics. Children have not been worried or even
            commented on the over-the-patient delivery.

                The chair can be adjusted to a flat position, which is ideal for
            management of an unconscious patient if that was ever to happen.
            The chair is easily programmable. Speed, water and air variability is great
24 and the foot control simple to adapt to.

                The ceiling mounted operating light and X-ray unit means that there
            is one thing less to reach or climb. With mobiles and finger puppets
            that fit perfectly on light handles and handpieces when not in use,
            the equipment does not seem daunting even to my most apprehensive
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