Page 29 - PlanWorld_1_2012_high
P. 29
The new waiting room is brightly coloured
and exciting.
Dental nurses as interior designers
The patient chair’s green upholstery is made of thick Renovation and purchasing A group of dental nurses came up with
viscoelastic memory foam. go hand in hand suggestions and ideas for the décor and
color-scheme together with the architect.
Tougher environmental The starting point was an unfinished surface.
requirements Mr Göran Johansson at KI Properties The plum color on the patient chairs is an
came along with the brilliant idea of building elegant addition to the oak in the furnishings
“Naturally, we will make the new location a raised floor so that hosing and wires could and was selected with KI’s 200-year anni
as environmentally-friendly as possible”, be hidden under the floor. This also meant versary in mind (it matches the logotype of
thought Jana, who is involved in environ that other activities in the building were not Karolinska Institutet). The two Planmeca
mental work at the department. She disturbed by dust, vibrations, etc. Sovereign units are lime green. They are
presented the idea to environmentally- intended for patients with back pain and who
certified Akademiska Hus and it was well “This is very important when you have have trouble lying down. These chairs have
received. a sterilisation centre with sensitive equipment a slightly thicker viscoelastic memory foam.
on the floor below.”
The result was the decision to go one step Environment and ergonomics
further. For example, building components The most important criterion during in focus
were subject to environmental assessment. purchasing of equipment and furnishings
Also, Jana read an article about a clinic in was flexible delivery, so that the delivery time With 16 workstations at the training clinic,
Valbo that had invested in a suction system could be adjusted to meet the construction there was a risk of high heat generation,
that saved on both energy and resources. This schedule. Direct on-site delivery is absolutely which is energy-consuming and creates
inspired careful requirement specifications critical when there is no storage room avail a need for increased ventilation. Therefore,
for the equipment. able. In addition, great emphasis was put on LEDs were selected for the ceiling lights
ergonomics and the environment. and operating lights, as well as for the dental
curing lights.