Page 27 - PlanWorld_1_2012_high
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Planmeca ProMax® SCARA2                            Planmeca and Materialise Dental
offers an intelligent solution                     join forces to benefit users of
for basic imaging needs                            Planmeca ProMax® 3D devices

The new SCARA2 model of the Planmeca               Planmeca ProMax® 3D customers can now
    ProMax® X-ray unit has a two-joint robot arm       order Materialise Dental SurgiGuide® drill
that enables movements for basic imaging needs.    guides directly from Planmeca Romexis®, with
The unit is well suited for panoramic imaging of   no need for separate software. This opens new
the dental arch, for maxillary sinus and temporo-  perspectives for Planmeca’s cone beam users, who
mandibular joint imaging as well as for cephalo-   can transfer their implant planning from Planmeca
metric purposes. The SCARA2 model can perform      Romexis software to the patient’s mouth, using
all the basic imaging programs including Standard  the trusted technology of SurgiGuide drill guides.
panoramic program, Lateral and PA TMJ programs,
Sinus program, Bitewing panoramic program and         After creating an implant plan in Planmeca
combined vertical and horizontal segmenting. The   Romexis, the customer sends the plan and
unit also includes a child panoramic mode, which   the DICOM images to Materialise Dental as
reduces the imaging area and exposure values in    a SurgiGuide order. Materialise Dental will then
all programs.                                      contact the customer to verify the implant
                                                   plan. SurgiGuide options are discussed to find
   The SCARA2 model can be easily upgraded         the optimal solution based on the specifics of
to a SCARA3 model or converted to a Planmeca       each case, the surgeon’s preferences and implant
ProMax® 3D or Planmeca ProMax® 3D s unit.          systems used. After production, the customer
Planmeca ProMax SCARA2 replaces Planmeca           receives the SurgiGuide, ready for use in surgery.
Proline XC in the company’s X-ray product line.

   Planmeca ProMax SCARA2 replaces Planmeca
Proline XC in the company’X-ray product line.


                                                   PM handpiece set brings
                                                   comfort to your hands

                                                   Planmeca is proud to introduce the new PM handpiece set to
                                                       complement the company’s dental unit range. The set includes
                                                   Planmeca Minea™ 1:1 contra-angle, Planmeca Sonea™ ML turbine
                                                   handpiece and Planmeca Sonea™ LED coupling.

                                                      Planmeca Minea features a non-circular profile for enhanced
                                                   stability, precision and orientation. The tiny head enables access to
                                                   places otherwise hard to reach.

                                                      Planmeca Sonea is a standard head turbine. The chromium-plated
                                                   surface provides a perfect grip and the compact head improves

                                                      Combined with Planmeca Sonea LED coupling, the Planmeca Sonea
                                                   turbine can be swiveled through a full 360º, without tension in the wrist
                                                   and without tubings becoming twisted.
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