Page 30 - PlanWorld_1_2012_high
P. 30


       In addition, because the students practise      of up to 75%. The system also reduces the cost
    taking X-ray images, the X-ray equipment           of equipment per workstation. Further
    was placed in a separate room to minimise          savings are achieved on maintenance and
    risks of radiation exposure.                       service resources.

       Also, great emphasis was put on ergo­              The clinic also wants the cleaning system
    nomics and proper working postures, especial­      to be as automated as possible so that
    ly because several users are left-handed.          students can handle the routines quickly
                                                       and effectively. The ultramodern equipment
       The operating equipment was assigned as         acquaints the students with current state-of-
    little space as possible, yet meeting the current  the-art working conditions.
    environmental and energy requirements in
    terms of care, operations and maintenance.         Each workstation has a number
    Smooth surfaces and durable, anti-wear
    material is important in a training clinic, as is  The number on each workstation allows
    safe equipment that prevents injuries.             the students to connect their computer to
                                                       the central network in the building, and to
       Finally, equipment for wet suction systems      reserve time with a teacher when they need
    was selected. Instead of built-in amalgam          help with their studies or want to conduct
    separators in each unit, the separation process    a treatment that is part of the training. The
    is centralised, which saves energy and is more     low-radiation computer screens save energy.
    hygienic. The clinic estimates energy savings
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