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Dr. Walter Renne encourages all to go digital:

“There are no limitations to what
you can do with intraoral scanning”

Dr. Walter Renne is a busy man. In addition to his position
of Associate Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina,
he is an active ambassador of digital dentistry. In this interview
with PlanWorld, Dr. Renne tells how he originally got into
CAD/CAM, shares his experiences using Planmeca products,
and urges everyone to hop on board the digital train – sooner
rather than later.


You are very active in                   You have over over 10 years of              help from the Planmeca Romexis®
the CAD/CAM and digital dentistry        CAD/CAM experience and have                 Smile Design software.
community and share a lot of             also been using Planmeca’s
the stuff you do through Youtube         system for a decade already. What               In addition, I do veneers and
and other avenues. How did you           has kept you with the company               conservative ceramic restorations in
originally become interested             for such a long period?                     the anterior dentition, typically 6–8
in the field?                            “The nice thing about Planmeca              units, to transform patients’ smiles. I
“I originally became interested when     products is that there is really a whole    think that is definitely most rewarding.
I saw the conservative nature of the     platform that exists and is integrated      But I also do simple implant cases
restorations that were produced          seamlessly together. In other words,        with 3D printer surgical guides, so I do
with CAD/CAM systems. That was the       I can use a digital impression to           indeed do a little bit of everything.”
paradigm shift that occurred which       design and fabricate restorations for
propelled me into digital dentistry.     patients, but I can also utilise the exact  You've also been designing guides
                                         same scanning platform for implant          with the new Planmeca Romexis®
    Instead of preparing the tooth       planning and merging with CBCT              Implant Guide module for a while
and destroying parts that are not        images – and now even create 3D             now and have had good experi-
affected by the defect, with ceramic     printed surgical guides in-office.”         ences doing so. What makes the
bonding and the ability to scan and                                                  process so successful?
do single-visit restorations you can     What kind of cases do you                   “What’s unique about Romexis Implant
be more conservative and don’t have      typically use Planmeca’s products           Guide is how open it is. I can take
to worry about provisionalisation. If a  for and how have they helped you            DICOM data from any scanner and
patient has a defect – a broken cusp     achieve great results?                      an STL file from anywhere and merge
or an area that needs attention – I can  “I’m your average general dentist, in       them together to fabricate a guide
replace just that for them.”             a way. I like to dabble in a little bit of  in-office without getting charged every
                                         everything. I use the Planmeca FIT®         time I use the software.
                                         CAD/CAM system for simple single
                                         restorations – such as inlays, onlays,          Simplicity is another key factor.
                                         and crowns – and about once a week I        The way that you go about planning is
                                         also create smiles with the system with     remarkably simple! Anyone could do
                                                                                     it. Planmeca has also added options
                                                                                     from dozens of implant manufacturers

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