Page 23 - PlanWorld_2019_IDS_EN_high
P. 23
In attendance at the inauguration: Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu and Chairman
of the Board of the Oulu City Board Kyösti Oikarinen, Finland’s Prime Minister Juha Sipilä; Mayor of
the City of Oulu Päivi Laajala; Planmeca Group President and founder Heikki Kyöstilä, Rector of the
Oulu University of Applied Sciences Jouko Paaso; and retired Mayor of the City of Oulu Matti Pennanen.
(Photo: Kulmakuvaamo / Seija Leskelä)
PLANMECA’S SIMULATION PlanScan® intraoral scanner. of Applied Sciences for their dental
SOLUTIONS USED FOR The scanner is used particularly in hygienist training.
A NATURAL TRANSITION TO prosthetics courses. The Planmeca
CLINICAL PRACTICE Romexis® Compare evaluation All of the Planmeca dental units
The teaching facilities at Dentopolis are tool is used to compare the work previously in use by the City of Oulu
equipped with 59 Planmeca simulation done by students with that done will be updated in the near future.
units, which are similar to the dental by the teacher – the software The updatability of Planmeca's dental
units used in the teaching dental clinic. allows similarities in the work to be units makes it possible for new features
This makes it possible for students to compared in percentage terms. to be added to older models.
work in a lifelike environment right from
the start. The transition from preclinical The teaching dental clinic uses Dentopolis's teaching dental clinic
to clinical work does not seem like such the Planmeca FIT® CAD/CAM is the first teaching clinic in the world
a big leap when working with familiar system, in which teachers and to take into use the new Planmeca
equipment. students are provided continuous PlanID™ sign-in system, which allows
training. Students practise, for dental unit users to access their
By practising on a real dental example, crown work, inlays/onlays personal settings with a simple flash
unit, students also develop proper and bridges. They also finish of a card. The system enhances opera-
working ergonomics straight away, the work themselves and learn how tional efficiency particularly in clinics
which is essential to preventing neck to choose the right materials for with a large number of different users.
and shoulder disorders later in their each patient.
careers. The teaching facilities are Planmeca's centralised water
equipped with large screens, which Experiences with Planmeca's treatment system, which ensures that
are used to display teaching situations. CAD/CAM solutions have been the water used in the dental units is
Students can also follow instructions positive. Students have adopted always pure, is also in use. The system
on workstation displays. the system enthusiastically and have is entirely chemical-free. Dentopolis
even begun using it in patient work. has also installed a centralised suction
In addition to a phantom hall, tube cleaning system, jointly developed
Dentopolis has a state-of-the-art, STATE-OF-THE-ART DENTAL by Planmeca and Dürr.
eight-place simulation laboratory EQUIPMENT AND CENTRAL-
exclusively developed by Planmeca ISED SOLUTIONS ENHANCE "On the whole, Dentopolis is one
for the University of Oulu. In this EFFICIENCY of the world's finest dental training
simulation laboratory, students In addition to the university's facilities, both inside and out. It has
practise, among other things, the use simulation units, Planmeca supplied been a privilege to work with them, and
of instruments with the help of haptic the City of Oulu with 48 digital we look forward to continuing our work
feedback. Planmeca Compact™ i Touch dental on future projects", says Plandent Sales
units, some of which are in use at Manager Markku Nappari.
PLANMECA CAD/CAM SOLUTIONS the teaching dental clinic and other
USED AS A TEACHING TOOL in the Central Dental Care Clinic. "As an equipment supplier,
In the phantom hall, each workstation Another 14 of the same dental units Planmeca has been a very straight-
has a connection for the Planmeca were delivered to the Oulu University forward and honest partner, staying
true to agreed timetables and keeping
its delivery promises", adds Professor
Pertti Pirttiniemi from Dentopolis. ▟